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Hollywood Stories

Is a 7 part Documentary Web Series about the lives and challenges of people living their dreams in Hollywood. Episode 1: Finding Love in Hollywood?
Episode 2: Why Hollywood? What brought you here?
Episode 3-7 stay tuned...

The Director/Producer of the Web Series Hollywood Stories is Karima J. Sphere

GUY 1: You live where?

GUY 2: Hollywood...

GUY 1:I know you got some "hollywood stories." Tell me. (A whooper of a story about Hollywood)

by Karimasphere December 11, 2009

Story Hoe

A person who receives a snapchat message (a.k.a "snap") which the sender also posts on their snapchat story.

I feel like such a Story Hoe after Becky sent me that holiday pic she put on her story too.

by WiseOnr February 10, 2017

story slut

When one only receive Snaps that a friend puts on their story. The person who sends the snaps to the Snap Slut usually only does so to boost their Snapchat score

Jake: It's seems like the only Snapchats I get from Jen are those she posts to her story.

Trevor: Bro, you're totally her Story Slut.

Alyssa: Jon really thinks I like him because I send him Snaps, but little does he know, he's just my Story Slut.

Ellen: You only have one Story Slut? I have three guys that think I'm in love with them, but they're too stupid to realize they're just my Story Sluts.

by PigBat May 15, 2017

bread story

A story that has no significance and no real point.

A: "One day, me and my grandad, we made bread"
E: "That was such a bread story. lol."

by Bandages, JellyBean and Penguin February 29, 2008

Ghost stories

Ghost stories has the best English dub on it ever

Person one: have you seen that one Anime…. Uhhh Ghost stories I think it’s called
Person two: you think? It’s one of the best Animes you’ll ever see. It’s really funny and I almost cried at the end

by Hbfggsz October 11, 2023

Luigi Story

Luigi Story i a german youtuber, who is playing mostly video games from nintendo.
He also has a twitch-channel and a discord server, which are english-friendly.

Luigi Story is a very good youtuber who puts his heart in his videos

by Pauleman112 July 27, 2020

syp story

A conversational story, in which the listener questions, "What's the point?" And "Did they just loose their train of thought and stop talking?" Conversely, the teller feels like they told a good relevant story with a proper ending.

Dude, what are you talking about, are you trying to tell a syp story?

by Sharp Stick March 19, 2016