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West Virginia Saturday Night

When you take a shower and then screw (have sex with) your sibling like theres no tomorrow! However, for a West Virginia Saturda Night Party you must not take a shower and both siblings must recive anal (could be with fingers or private parts).

I was so frikin' horny last night and since im single and have no girlfriend I had a west virginia saturday night!

by BillyMaysIsNowAZombie August 24, 2009

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Saturday Night Street Car

When one spread honey on ones dick, then pours poprocks on over the honey. Once they start popping one performs Anal Sex on their partner. The popping of the pop rocks causes the the nerves and muscles of the anus to relax and the insewing rush of fecal matter is known as the SATURDAY NIGHT STREET CAR.

Man, I could really go for a saturday night street car.

by Gendrix November 13, 2010

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Super Soaker Bazooka Soaker Super Saturday

Any given Saturday when your whole crew gets absolutely wasted. The phrase is also coined to require a buddy to down their beer if they cannot recite the phrase properly on command.

โ€œ Whatโ€™s today?โ€

โ€œSuper Soaker Bazooka Soaker Super Saturday!โ€

by Ripp March 2, 2021

Happy Saturday

When someone comes in your mouth and you spit it in their hair and rub it around.

"I was with Bella last night and she totally gave me a Happy Saturday"

"Nice bro"

by PicklePicker69 December 17, 2021

Still Shopping Saturday

The Saturday after Black Friday

I missed all the sales on Black Friday but, I am hoping to get some good deals on Still Shopping Saturday.

by Paty'sMommy November 16, 2011

Smkboyz Saturdays

Smkboyz Saturdays, pronounced Smoke boys Saturdays, is a recurring event established by the Smkboyz, an underground rap group from East Baltimore's Zone 18 neighborhood.

Started by Purp Blazington in 2015 after his release from prison, Smkboyz Saturdays was a hood holiday celebrated by Purp Blazington, MJ Smoke, Domination, and Smkboyjae.

Every Saturday, They would gather to smoke cannabis and freestyle over YouTube instrumentals, turning their block into a weekly concert. This ritual provided solace for members like Smkboyjae, struggling with personal issues, and served as an avenue to pay back the generosity of Purp Blazington, whose trap house became their meeting ground. Their homemade videos and mixtapes were often uploaded on social media platforms, promoting their unique Smkboyz sound.

Smkboyz, Smkboyz Saturdays, Underground Rap, East Baltimore, Purp Blazington, MJ Smoke, Domination, Smkboyjae, YouTube Freestyles, Cannabis Culture, Trap House, Music Therapy,

"Smkboyz Saturdays became a beacon of hope and camaraderie for Smkboyjae, offering an escape from the realities of trap house living."

by The Scarcodian Slanguage July 28, 2023

Sexy Saturday

The fanfic.

Shell, Link, and the snake created a tradition known as Sexy Saturday.

by McNugget5 March 24, 2019