Source Code

My Mum

A great lady 😹 looking at you mother

β€˜My Mum is so cool’

β€˜No she’s not fatty’

by FatAlfredFatFattyFat June 4, 2021

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Vlad's mum

Biggest hoe in the village. Sleeps with every guy and girl she's ever met.

Stevie : Dude Vlad's mum is like a bowling ball!

Gordon : how come?

Stevie : she gets picked up, fingered and thrown down the alley.

by Weeboss April 27, 2010

13πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

ya mum

A well fit bitch who i had last night

i had carl nunns mum

by Anonymous May 16, 2003

24πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Bambi's Mum

The feeling of sadness that you get, is equivalent to the feeling you had as a child when realising Bambi's Mum had deceased.

I failed my exam" "Bambi's Mum :(

by Bamb's Mum :( June 11, 2010

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

ya mum

one of the best insults EVER cause there rly isnt a reply insult. used when;
1)u have NO idea what the insult meant
2)u have no other comeback
3)u dont know how to answer the qn or cbf

1) Davo: omgsh look at the MINGER!!!
Julie: ya mum's a minger!
Bill: zing

2) Davo: Julie's ugly!!!
Julie: ya mum!!

3) Bill: oi, davo!
Davo: yeh?
Bill: what's the time?
Davo: ya mum

by sexii May 30, 2007

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Your mum

The only insult to not only insult someone to fuck but also make you laugh because it is so old school

'Hey, did you make that smell'
'Your mum smells'

by Β©β„’ October 15, 2003

25πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

step mum

a stupid bitch who will stop at nothing to make you feel like shit. she'll make you want to kill yourself all the time because she is 'trying to help you' even though you know she's drunk every night because 'life's too much'

"ughh my step mum last night..."
"of course"

by bazzzzzer December 21, 2009

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž