Source Code

terminal ignore

Terminal ignore is when someone you are close to turns their back and ignores you on an ongoing basis for no reason .

John has put me on terminal ignore. I hear nothing from him and he is always too busy to speak with me .

by Kahamom October 30, 2019

terminal thin

So thin that if you turn sideways to anyones line of sight, you inevitably... disappear

"Oh god, that kid Dylan Breeze just went all terminal thin on us, I can't see him!"

by Terminal Fat Is Not Real February 13, 2018



1. To be actively utilizing a terminal or virtual console to communicate with an external system.

2. To be in route in an airport from one concourse to another.

"She was terminaling into the server via SSH to restart the web service."

"The person in the red jacket has me terminaling from one gate to another to catch the connecting flight."
"I saw the word 'terminaling' used in a sentence on PaulsDevBlog.com, and it looked cool and felt good reading it aloud."

by FixedFolding.com November 9, 2017

terminally sick

A level of greatness that's beyond 'sick' but not quiet 'dead'.

Fan A: "The Cybertruck is sick."
Fan B: "Terminally"
Fan A & Fan B: "Terminally Sick"
High Fives exchanged.

by Rusty Menace November 23, 2019

Terminal Mass

Terminal mass

The amount of lean muscle mass a bodybuilder’s frame can hold before their waste and midsection need to grow and expand to accommodate the new size.

Both Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath had very small waists and tight mud sections until they passed their personal terminal mass and their waist need to accommodate the new amount of muscle

by The real Hank Contos July 24, 2022

Terminal Comma

A comma at the end of a comment, clause or even otherwise-perfect sentence that then receives no continuation.

My cousin used the terminal comma when she sent me this text message:

> Wow, grandma didn't invite you to the family get-together,

and then all my cousins and brother went to the movies.

by Sittias June 2, 2021


To end something

To terminate a marriage

by 459395 June 5, 2023