when your a fucked up freak that likes getting his dick pierced by a high heel
guy #1 yo you see Chris over there
guy #2 he's fucking crazy Jessica gave him the heel of pain last night and he's still talking to her
guy #1 fucking balls bro
90% crust
9% fuckboy
1% awkwardness
You can't date the heel of the bread!
Apart from telling tall tales about video games and giving standing blowjobs to ZeniMax executives and true to the nature of the inherently effeminate and preposterously puny and petite stunted sissy manlet fairy that he obviously is, Little Napoleon Howard enjoys prancing about town wearing a variety of fabulous and fanciful high heels on his nasty, little feet, including but not limited to: thick-soled sneakers (undoubtedly containing insoles), boots with stacked heels, platform shoes (obviously), high heels (naturally), stilettos (only for his sugar daddy) and stilts (when grocery shopping all by himself like a big boy). A particularly infamous and hilarious photo beautifully showcasing Tiny Todd's ever-present, deep-seated and overpoweringly potent manletism-induced inferiority complex, taken at the 2015 Fallout 4 video game launch event in Los Angeles, features the illustrious Kaley Cuoco and Tiny Todd "Tippy Toes" Howard amongst others. Shamefully grinning while standing on his tip toes (for shame!) like the literal subhuman that he is and while being towered over by absolutely every man, woman and child in the vicinity, Tiny Todd was most likely thinking about ending it all by hanging himself from a table lamp with a string of dental floss upon returning in defeat to his hobbit-hole that night.
Manmore 1: Hey, why are there a bunch of doll shoes lying in the street over there? Manmore 2: Those are Todd Howard's high heels. The dwarfed Oompa Loompa was crossing the street with an armful of high heels when a gust of wind just blew him away. Manmore 1: Manlets BTFO. Manmore 2: Hahahahaha!
Driving (or riding in a car) is faster than walking.
“Rubber on wheels is faster than rubber on heels.”was the response to the complaint about thr long ride.
The weakness of Achilles.
He wondered why the bubbly girl that sent in the Trojan Horse with the Trojan shield would also be looking for his Achilles Heel. Achilles didn't fight on the side of Troy, he fought against Troy. Perhaps she thought nobody else could figure out just how many sides she had been playing all her life. Was it actually the people the media called criminals that were the suspicious ones, or was she the suspicious one?
super huge hoop earings worn by gehtto hooch women.
damn, thats girls rocking the biggest high heel hangers I've ever seen, what a slutamuphigus.
It is often quite difficult to get Achmed to cooperate or even hold a decent conversation, but if you offer him a bomb or other device of mass-destruction, that is his Ahkeelyou's heel, and you will totally have him eatin' outta yer hand --- anything that involves widespread annihilation and catastrophic ruination appeals to him immensely.