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Irish salad

An alcoholic shot consisting of three quarters ounce of your preferred whiskey topped with one quarter ounce of garden salad remnants and/or italian dressing. Ideal pairing: Jameson whiskey and Olive Garden salad dressing

Do Irish salads prevent hangovers?... because I'm feeling pretty fucking good and I shouldn't

by Chief Chewbacca February 18, 2020

14๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Irish Sunglasses

Two black eyes that from a distance, look like a pair of sunglasses. Usually a gift to women by their boyfriends or husbands.

"Hey Ted, you see that lady over there?"

"Yeah. She's got a nice pair of Irish Sunglasses on."

by Stone_Cold19D April 16, 2009

295๐Ÿ‘ 301๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fighting Irish

Mascot of a northern Indiana team (south bend) Notre Dame and what all of the irish enjoy doing. And often a tattoo on many irish gangsters.

The fighting irish are still not part of any organized league.

by IrishChamp89 November 4, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Irish Layover

When you miss your flight from being too hungover or too drunk.

Girl #1: Hey, did Guy #1 end up catching his flight down to Mexico after that Halloween party?
Guy #2: No, he had an Irish Layover and passed out in a cab on the way to the airport.

by AtTheGate June 18, 2013

4351๐Ÿ‘ 4533๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most annoying people in THE WHOLE WORLD.
Who, by the way, can't really call themselves Irish just because they sometimes wear green, have drunk guinness, and have ginger hair
and especially because a large proportion of my so-called fellow Irishmen have, in fact, no idea that the island is split into TWO SEPARATE COUNTRIES.

me (irish): hello.
"irish-american": oh my gawsh, do i detect a lilting irish brogue?
me: um, well if you're wondering if i'm from ireland, then, well, i suppose i should say "yes" about now.
"irish american": i'm irish too, you know.
me: really, you sound like you're american to me.
"irish american": no, my great great great great second cousin once removed came from kerry! all my friends can hear the irish accent in my voice- can't you?
me: um. well to me you sound pretty much american
"irish american": och, you're having me on- as us irish say!
do you know my family, i wonder? the mckeowns of kerry? you must know them, they're big there.
me: well i'm actually from northern ireland, so...
"irish american": yes- the north of ireland
me: no- NORTHERN IRELAND. it's a different country.
"irish american": yeah, ok, and i live in northern north america.
me: that's different, see- it's a DIFFERENT COUNTRY
"irish american": not sure i follow you there...you're saying that the north of ireland is, in fact, a totally different country from southern ireland? when did that happen?

by a real irish person March 15, 2006

240๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž


Americans who realise (or not)that everyone else in the world thinks they are retards and so desperately try to cling onto some other form of identity. Their surname is Irish thus almost proving that about 5 generations ago they must have had an Irish relative. They are therefore at least 1/32th Irish - the other 31/32th's are irrelevant - only the surname counts. Irish-Americans have most likely never been to Ireland and display no Irish traits and to anyone else would appear only American. However, they are still Irish and you should address them as such. The fact that most white American blood is that of the dastardly English is irrelevant.

Just about every American I've met described themselves as Irish-American, and I lived there. If it's not Irish then it's German, Swedish, Scottish etc. etc. Never ever English.

by SmartColin March 21, 2006

202๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž

irish music

The best music in the world yes by the way I am Irish โ˜˜๏ธ not telling you specifics btw it contains a banjo flute an fiddle

He dude Irish music is the best

by Irish โ˜˜๏ธ JJ April 26, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž