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Ticket to Ride

When someone suggests an idea however it so confusing it competes with the rules of Ticket to Ride.

Typically said so fast all of the “T”s and “K” sound like an incoming train. (TI-Ke-eT-To-RiDe)

Person 1: Hey, how about we take these waffles to the geese at the end of the road on our camel!

Person 2: Could you explain more? That’s super Ticket to Ride.

by Fake snow January 7, 2021

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Return Ticket

A mandatory statement of compliance required by African's travelling to the United Kingdom.This statement is actioned with immediate effect. see also fresh off the boat Immigration Customs and Excise

"Dear Mr (insert here various number of clicks and clacks)
On todays date of 16th Feb 2006 you have been issued with a RETURN TICKET to Zimbabwe effective immediately. Thank you for travelling with British Airways. We regret that this will be your last journey with us."

"Morning Sir,are you travelling today on flight BA157- could I please see your return ticket!"

by Jar Jar Bing May 18, 2006

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Golden Ticket

When a woman gets pregnant by a rich baby daddy, who wants to marry her. She never has to work again. The baby is the Golden Ticket to retirement.

Phoebe got knocked up by Mr Big, and he brought her a t-shirt that says Golden Ticket with an arrow pointing to her stomach, as a joke to his Wall Street friends

by Anamar March 31, 2017

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prom ticket

The slang term for a bag of weed.

A prom ticket on the streets runs 20 on the weekends and 30 on weekdays.

by AlbinoPancake March 12, 2017

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Meal Ticket Beggars

A person who expects others to pay for their meals on a date/meeting simply because of their gender or existence

Just because I am a woman, a man is obligated to pay for my meal.

Just because you were the one who did the asking out (even that I would refuse if I wasn't interested in you also but I don't have the guts to do the asking out myself) you have to pay for my meal.

This is an example of meal ticket beggars

by Nickthedick09 October 30, 2009

Plane ticket

A really attractive girl

"Damn, that girl is a plane ticket"

"I am gonna take that plane ticket home tonight!"

by Robbyk December 13, 2013

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Golden Ticket Wheels

Longboard/Skateboard wheels with one (1) gold wheel in the set.

I've got the Golden Ticket... Golden Ticket Wheels!

by Golden029 December 29, 2015