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Amazing handsome guy super kind and sweet he is a idiot sometimes but he is just perfect he always cares about others and he is just joy he loves a midget tho so very questionable but he is perfect I love you a lot

A mushroom
A tree
A palm tre
AN amazing boyfriend

by Cup of butter March 17, 2022

The Tre-Pitt

When you are engaging in intercourse and a woman places your ankles to ears in order to engage in fellatio.

Did your girl preform the Tre-Pitt on you last night?

Yes! My ankles were at my ears. It was heavenly.

by GigglyGoof October 30, 2023

Tre Tre

when you fucking suck and have more turnovers than other stat

That nigga got a Tre Tre
Dre at the 1 he finna get a Tre Tre

by Dame8 June 5, 2024

Just treing

Making dark humor jokes

Zack: Imma eat you like im jeffery dahmer
People: gasps
Zack: Im just treing

by AllTheWayTre October 2, 2022

Just Treing

You just made a funny joke about someone or something (that will most likely make someone mad)

“We gon eat em like we Jeffery Dahmer” “I’m just treing

by AllTheWayTre October 2, 2022

Just treing

Making jokes about things that shouldn’t be joked about

Zack: Imma eat yall like im Jeffrey Dahmer
Zack: I’m just treing

by AllTheWayTre October 2, 2022

uno dos tres

Spanish numbers. s s s s s s. s s s s s s. s s s s

uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce trece catorce quince dieciseis diecisiete dieciocho diecinueve veinte

by a weem a we a weem a we eeeeee August 22, 2023