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wobble gobblez

A sort of wobble gobblez that floats around the outside of a construction site. Kind of like a bum.

Damn was that a fuckin wobble gobblez?

by Sean (MY REAL NAME) November 25, 2009

wobbly top hat

When a girl rides a mans dick, and moves around and squirms while she does it. Technically a negative term.

"How was sex last night?" "It was awful. She gave me a fucking wobbly top hat."

by Abracadabra827 April 15, 2016

Wobbly box

A slut. A woman with a very well used vagina.

Dude, she's a total wobbly box. It's like fucking a bucket of water.

by THE Gyakk Pvaann January 3, 2021

wobbly nigga

A nigga that happens to wobble a lot

This wobbly nigga gonna fall over

by KsiekHNB September 15, 2023


Verb: 1. A man who is traversing stairs with an erection.
Adjective: 1. A person who claims to be straight, but is clearly bending in their sexuality as they interact with others

Verb: 1. My husband hit his tip on the handrail while he was wobbling-in-flight.
Adjective: 1. Did you see Cindy wobbling-in-flight as those girls walked by.

by Thogak July 7, 2018

wobble board

A musical instrument created by entertainer Rolf Harris that consists of a masonite board or any other hardboard material.

girl: "What is your one talent?"
ghetto mf: "I can play the wobble board."

by among us sussy balls lmao September 16, 2023

Wobble knoble

The Act of sucking a toe while someone has their thumb in your anus

Do you want to wobble knoble?

by PwnurMom May 18, 2016