Source Code

Get yer Moolah

means to get your money, its very chavy

we have to get yer moolah tommora otherwise it will go out of date

by Sunkebaba June 11, 2020

Yer Ma

yer ma is a come back to crappy english ned's tryin to slag u off

ur a fuckin gay boy ... a weel sos yer ma

by Aaroon baxt March 11, 2004

Yer Ma'

Yer ma is "your mom" in an interesting accent

Yer ma's gay

by YeaYeasaysYAsAySya May 17, 2022

Yer ma

The stank ho who begat you, and I am currently banging. A despicable promiscuous woman of extremely low character who lives for having every hole plugged.

I was going to go out and find some chick who is up for anything, you know the type that you would do shit to that you wouldn't do to a farm animal. Then I remembered, Yer ma is coming over! No need to go out!

by That Dude That Knows September 27, 2021

Yer grans a patsy

If a gran dies you get her ashes and snort them like drugs

Before i walked oot of jordans house i had a line of his gran and shouted “yer grans a patsy

by Yer deed gran;) January 26, 2022

yer maw sells avon

it means your mother sells avon products

shut it ya mad junkie

“naw, ya mad rocket, yer maw sells avon”

by arlecchinos6thwife March 29, 2024

yer mom

a fat bitch

teacher doing attendance says: "who are we missing?"
student:" YER MOM!!!

by KING3R23 January 27, 2020