'You fuck it, you buy it' - When lending an item to another, claiming prostitute rule in case of any damage occurring while in the others possession
When borrowing a Halloween costume from Tom, Leigh calls Prostitute Rule since he knows Tom is a messy and inconsiderate drunk
you fuck it, you pay for it
"Hey Tarquin, can I borrow you wetsuit", "of course Kevin, prostitute rules though" kevin later returned the wetsuit with a leg missing after a shark attack however, prostitute rules were agreed upon and he had to pay Tarquin for a new wetsuit and was evicted shortly after due to lack of funds to pay rent.
If a dog exists you can find him on the internet and pet him if you look long enough
Alice: Aaawww all these dogs are so cute! I wish i could pet them all!
Bob: Rule 34P, you definitely can, but you have to be prepared and at full petting capacity, otherwise you'll overdose on cuteness!
Alice: Totally worth it! I would rather die from too much petting than without it!
When all else fails.
Read the directions.
Usually becomes necessary after Murphy's Law has run it's course.
After putting out all the fires, and cleaning up the mess, the crew decided to obey Murphy's Rule and read the directions!
An agreement within a relationship to not be exclusive while on vacation.
"Did you hear that Larry slept with that girl in Florida?"
"Yes but he doesn't consider it cheating because they agreed to Holiday Rules"
"Yes, his girlfriend Sarah had a bukake last year when she went to Spain"
Rule 34.35
Rule 34.35:
If it exist, there is a JoJo reference of it
The social rule that one cannot claim to have a question to ask and then not ask the question.
Me: hey, you have nice abs, can i ask you a question?? Wait never mind....
Kevin: you have to ask. It’s an unspoken rule of social law. Part of our social contract. No saying something and then taking it back before even saying it... rule #237