While 99% of Heathers are fun and pretty and whatnot, 1% of them have weird red mullet things and moles. They never stop talking and are quite annoying.
Man, this 1% Heather is really annoying.
A place where very deluded people go and speak about Formula 1
I think Max Verstappen is a War Criminal
TheOfficialFNG’s Formula 1 channel is so fucking deluded
The rule that shows Brooke loves Arturo more.
Remeber the #1 rule, Brooke loves Arturo more, it's a fact.
The Find A Single hotline, especially for gay men.
Man 1: I need a fuckbuddy, I'm tired of those websites.
Man 2: Call this number! 1-800-696-9696
You are so bored and typed everything else into urban dictionary to the point you looked up this. congrats.
I sure do love typing 1=qa'z/x.s;w2-30eodkcmvnfjri9458tughby67
Person who gets easily drunk off 1 can of beer
Look at John he’s so drunk he’s only had 1 beer flipping 1 can wonder!
So Black Suit Man and Green Creepy Fuck are Joining the Fight
Multiversus Season 1 is kinda sus