An MMORPG released in September 2021. Created by Amazon, the game features a vast array of “things to do”. As a player myself I do find it extremely addictive. Starting to think coke is mild compared to this life sucking experience.
“Hey what’s your logging at?”
“I’ve deforested half the province of Everfall for 4 straight hours and I’m only at 31”
“Wow! I love new world!”
the world studying about foreign neighbors even though the world shares transportation times for all people.
The world babble made every country think about a military conflict.
She is a well know tik tok star known to like juice wrld. She has a little sister named Isabel that has a best friend named Xavier. Most of her family has a tik tok account.
Have you seen Haley’s world new video?
a dumb bitch is someone also called "shroomie", got it?
"hey you're the dumbest bitch in the world"
Almost every nation in the World’s battle to defeat and vanquish Covid-19.
In World War C , the United States is leading the way in Word War C to develop vaccines and medicines to combat Covid-19 world wide.
The flight between nations and COVID-19.
World War C brings the best out of people!