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Cracks in the Brick Path

Idiom. Used as, "That's another crack in the brick path", or, "Those are cracks in the brick path." A saying used to describe an event or situation that could eventually be detrimental in the future, but is sustainable and superficial for the present. Or, something that can be fixed in the future and doesn't mean much now.

Ex: "Oh geez, one of my lightbulbs went out in my chandelier." "Hey man, cracks in the brick path."
Ex: "I scored pretty low on this homework assignment." "Don't worry! Just cracks in the brick path."

by Clemmerr January 28, 2024


Someone who hordes their crack away from deserving friends like the little whiny punk they are.

"Gimme some of that mountain of crack you've been storing, crack-hog."

by Pandy Orter April 15, 2004

2👍 2👎


"Casual" associated with being new, noobie, and uninformed in-said subject matter, however people who over-use "casual" in every sentence or every argument - regardless of facts just to insult the intelligence of the recipient.

Crack-stick: Begin(s) to call others casual in a debate on a subject immediately when the argument/debate has started because they are short-minded and can't combat others when challenged in a argument with their own; giving the impression that they themselves are the casual for not thinking of their own facts to mention or actual information to disapprove the argument , thus making them a "crack-stick"

1"Oh you just started playing yesterday? - thats why you suck"
2"No I've been playing since launch.. if anything you're casual here not me"
1"Explain how I'm a casual then?"
2"Shut up casual

by OUTLVW March 27, 2023

crack my head

dumbass twitter groupchat that isn't dead. we will live forver!!

kait: remember the og days?
vix: yeah, old crack my head was the best

by definitelynotqueer August 23, 2019

Crack Spazz

When a crackhead from the streets of Detroit begins to peak on his solid powder and demand money from you in order to stay on his crack mongering mission.

Damn that crack spazz wouldn't leave me alone for over an hour until I gave gave him a dollar to continue his crack mission.

by King Smidi July 6, 2017

Booty Butt Crack

when you put a pound of crack into the hole of your enlongated booty butt hole.

Person 1: whats up sigma chode
Person 2: no
Person 1: Booty Butt Crack
Person 2: Booty Butt Crack

by A Beaner Nigga May 27, 2024

fire cracking

When you shove a m-80 up a girls ass and light it on fire

You she’s into fire cracking

by Big sexy789 March 10, 2019