Ur Ancestors Incestors is a failed attempt at creating the most powerful roast in existence.
It was calculated to have power beyond "Ur Family Tree LGBT", but actually caps off around Ur Dad Lesbian. Not many know of this though, and it is often misused.
Carl: Ur Granny Tranny
John: You fool... You brought this upon yourself... Ur Ancestors Incestors!
Carl: Yeah I guess they are
John: *Explodes due to lack of defense*
On April 3, everyone would be allowed to make a “Ur Momma” joke without dying of cringe.
“Time to go make billions of ur momma jokes without dying of cringe because it’s National Ur Momma Joke Day!”
worse than any insult, such as ur mom gay, ur bro a homo hobo, or ur hamster homo.
ur rabbit a faggit
an ultra cool way to tell your friends to train your stamina
Jake: Run more then
Drake: No
Jake: Triangle ur stomaina
The upmost destructive insult ever made by man. Every time this word is said angels fall from above and the sun gets a mile closer to earth.
Frank- ur mom gay lol
Gary- ur caveman a gay man
Frank-*erased from existence and the earth gets hotter
August 6 is the the day where the girl does whatever the boy wants to feel pleasure
The girl gave the boy head on national pleasure ur boyfriend day
the boy finished in the girls 🐱 on national Pleasure your bf day
"Worse then "ur sister a mister
Use only if your lose depend on it
Criss: ur mom gay
Steven: ur sister a mister
Criss: your aunt a cunt
Steven burns to ashe and criss is the king of the world