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To be mad or hate someone

I’m pissed your my father.

I’m pissed at you dad.

by WrathDemon034 February 18, 2020


When youre very drunk.

“Bro you can’t drive youre pissed as fuck.”

by dankulousmemeuloux September 11, 2020


"pissed" usually meaning critically mad at something.

Person 1: I was so pissed that my phone wasn't working.
Person 2: I got pissed at him because he broke my computer.

by how do i type my name October 15, 2022


Pissed (English) Drunk, intoxicated, inebriated

I was so pissed last night, I accidentally gave money to a Donald Trump grift.

by Dibdabdeb August 11, 2022


For some reason, it is a cure word. It means to be angry or TRIGGERED. It also means to become extremely drunk. Like drunk to the tee.

1) Yo, dis dude is pissed. Stop wrecking his car, man.
2) How many drinks did this guy have to get so pissed?

by dead_inside_fag March 2, 2019


1. British slang for being drunk or getting drunk

2. American slang for being angry or irate.

1. I got pissed last night.

2. I was so pissed last night.

by DonG63 February 23, 2022


To appear angry or mean-mugging. About to blow a gasket. Ready to fight.

Every time Ben and Jonathan go out they look so pissed. I’ll bet they had a bad day they look so pissed.

by H311bound June 7, 2018