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The Suite Life On Deck

A new show that airs on a channel that shouldn't exist.
The idea probably came up when the producers of "The suite life of Zack and Cody" couldn't think of a new cheesy pun or idea for an episode, so they thought of moving the alleged twins Zack & Cody (Dylan & Cole Sprouse) to a cruise ship, hence the suite life on deck.
It stars the same characters as the old show, except they replaced Maddie Fitzpatrick with a girl named Bailey (Debbie Ryan) who's apparently from the country even though she hasn't got a hint of country accent in her voice. They call her a "country bumpkin", though she says "you guys" instead of "y'all" like most country people (trust me, im from Alabama.)
It's basicly the same thing as the old show, except they're on a cruise ship and they go different places.

Suite Life of Zack & Cody Producer #1: Hey, I stayed up all night and STILL couldn't think of a cheesy punch line for the show!
SLZ&C Producer #2: Well, I just got back from a cruise ship, and it would be a great place for D & C to ensue shananigans.
SLZ&C Producer #3: *great* idea!!!
SLZ&C Producer #1: I know!
And so the Suite Life on Deck was born.

by LaLa Lexi March 21, 2009

147πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

fuck your life

To let someone know there life is fucked, or there life should be fucked.

Hey Bobby the raiders won so fuck your life.

by Drunkenmaster October 13, 2006

70πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

People Without a Life

People who hang their egos on whether or not someone who bothers, without pay, to shuffle through hundreds, 100's, of idiot nonsense to look for a diamond in the rough, on Urban Dictionary, votes "publish" to affirm their value as humans by thus saying "OK this is marginally acceptable, I will click publish." is a 'person without a life,' and YES I voted 'yes, publish the POS' to the guy who called me a person without a life for bothering to sift through his and other's dung heap to get a few decent definitions published.

Thank you,

You are Welcome!

Try putting up your crap on Wikipedia! They would be so nasty they would have you committed or on serious psychoactive drugs. The best place on the Internet to find people without a life is on Wikipedia!

by IhaveaMelvin September 17, 2006

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

check your life

a wideley used term in the Kelowna, British Columbia area, derrived from the hockey locker room, you can use the phrase anywhere. Mainly used to shut someone up, and stops them from acting stupid.

"Hey Bob, look what i can do"

"Hey Joe, check your life"

by Scotty Cardno May 23, 2005

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Real-life Poke

Instead of using a facebook poke,this is a poke brought to real life; can be used on people, objects or animals (such as a bunny).

That girl just real-life poked me, totally unexpected!

by N. Owl December 5, 2007

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Woman, life, freedom

Main slogan of Iranian September 2022 uprising sparked by the murder of Mahsa Amini pointing out the oppression of women in the Islamic Republic regime, request of people for having a normal life and liberty .

Woman, Life, Freedom

by Majid Selseleh November 21, 2022

10πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž

New life academy

School is woodbury minnesota. A hell hole. New life academy is a school we’re your not allowed to wear jackets. The upper room, the worship center, and the attic are the #1 recommended hookup spots at new life.

Ya bro we smashed but got caught at new life academy.

by Browniepop February 7, 2019

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž