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Emo stand for Emotional,

so they are sensitive type, most are shy as well

Emo Started from a band in the 80's. by some1 yell "your emo-core" in a concert of Washington D.C. to Ian MacKaye
with the band Embrace on the stage.

Emo are mainly people who have long hair on the side of their eye(usually dudes) or banes/chop like hair (usually girls).

Wear mostly black hair, tight pants small t-shirt, belts(optional), some piercings,(optional) Some girl wears everyday clothes with emo hair. both gender wore eyeliner as well.

Listen to emotional/screamo music.

Theirs hair is mostly dye black (guy/girl) some can be blond or red (usually girls).

Have highlights in their hair (girls mostly).

NOT ALL emo cut themselfs! the reason why is either they feel trap/ blame themselfs or they just want to feel something.

They write peotry, or play music

Talk about how their life is unfair. Have somewhat a subborn attitude sometimes.

Yes, emo do have fun in their way. They also have their own type of friends.

Most are about middle and rich class that are emo. due to their parents doesn't care about them or thing doesn't go right.

Most Emos are Posers, some are not.

What I think Emo true definition if it by characterist, it would be the people who are the Outcast of the Outcast by society itself, even the weird reject them as well. basically they are a shadow that almost no 1 can see them. Besides, they didn't chose to be emo, fate made them. Not GOD!

depress poser Emo

by xLawlietx February 20, 2010

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The word Emo doesnt mean Emotional because if it did then Everybody could be labeled emo for the fact everyone has emotions. It originated from 'Emotive Hardcore'.
Not all emo's are depressed and cut themselves.
Alot of emo's are happy and proud of their quirky free dress sense.
They tend to get alot of stick from chavs who really have no place to talk
They support there favourite bands by wearing their merchandise.
Emos get slated alot and its unfair because they are just people living their life how they like it.
Alot of Emo's listen to My Chemical Romance so they then get mistaken as an emo band when they are actually Rock.
Much respect to the Emos.. \m/

Some comments Emos face:

Go slit your wrists you fucking emo.
Go back to your corner and cry.
What do you look like?
I feel sorry for your mother..

Well dont feel sorry for their mothers becasue the majority of Emo's are very intelligent and actually try to make something out of their lives.

by tara^_^ April 8, 2007

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Plastic goths. Unoriginal teens of the late 90s early 00s who attempt to copy the original eighties goths in an insipid, fake, moronic and ultimately pathetic way.

"This week I'm going to be an emo, next week who knows?"

"I'll take one of each in black please. Charge it to Daddy's account."

by REalvelvet September 1, 2009

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A stereotype associated with people who are very "emotive".
Commonly associated with such things as:

Long Black Fringe which covers one eye.
Wearing bandanas as scarfs.
Feeling alone and crying.
"Slashing" themselves.

Duddle says:

Yeah, I cut myself all the time. *cries*
I'm sooooo emo.

by Tony Billy Boy January 10, 2007

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Emo is used for a description for both a music genre and a fashion sense. Emo is not about cutting yourself or being depressed. It's about being yourself and rebelling against society. All emo people aren't gay either. They usually have choppy, layered hair and wear band shirts, skinny jeans, and converse sneakers.

"I'm emo" or, "Look at this emo band"

by Blade Sixx April 20, 2016

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Emo is not a type of music, a style of clothing, or an emotion. Emo is short for emotional. They do not cut themselves, they do not always wanna die. The word EMO is a word commonly missused by todays generations.

emo rawr

by Z-dude98 April 7, 2009

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Emo is not based on how often they cry or cut themselves. To be honest, most of the definitions of emo on urban dictionary are not true and they do hurt. They are mainly made by judgemantal people who have no idea of what they are writing about and just like to be super critical for no reason. They honestly don't understand how it is like to be in my shoes, so why should they judge my lifestyle. In fact, most emo kids don't cut. They prefer to have an awesome haircut which consists of side bangs, black hair and occasionally another random colour. Sterotypically, Emo's listen to emo music. Saying all emos listen to emo music isn't necessarily true. They have quite a varity of music because there is more music out there than just one genre. You know which I love to hear? Emos are hated. Well, emo's do have friends, and they can be friends with whoever they want to be friends with. Just because they look a certain way or might act a different way occasionally doesn't mean they are hated. What I don't get is that there are so many rumors about the emo sterotype. Yes there is a certainn way to be emo, but you cannot act emo. To be emo you have to legit be an emo. One thing I have to say, is most of the urban dictionary definitions for the way emos dress are pretty true. They generally wear tight black clothes with a spiky belt and wear converse. Also piercings are very common with the emo culture

The best definition of emo I could give :3

by The Anonymous Emo October 8, 2011

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