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Albert is that guy always sexy, well dressed and always with girls after him ... You will never see an Albert sitting alone or in groups only with boys ... He always has girls after him and not only that, he is also the perfect boyfriend...

Albert I want to be your girlfriend

by Berechet November 21, 2021


Everyone likes Albert, he's introverted but will spring up at every social interaction he garners. He's a smart aleck but chooses to not showcase his intel (assumingly to be humble). In addition, Albert is also a kind guy and will give you his lunch; or part of it. Cherish Albert.

Mike: Do you know Albert?
John: Yeah, everyone likes that guy.

by szaisthebestilovesza May 16, 2022


Is the sexiest guy in the world.With an big penis.And gets all the girls



by Hshsjjejej November 22, 2021


It is an evolution of the homosapiens discretus. As you get distracted a lot, he attacks you from behind with his 3cm penis. He is a bit homosexual and transgender.

Hello Albert how are you?

by ..red flags.. November 24, 2021


stupid fat autistic cat

my cat albert is sooo fucking autistic

by joeseph mamanem October 4, 2019


A teacher's pet. Does his homework the day he gets them and goes and asks the teacher the next day on how to make it better. He is a joke between his friends and they all make fun of him and how smart he is.

Shut the fuck up Albert

by Ziz123 December 7, 2018


a funny 23-year old man who has over 8 million subscribers

Me: -spits- omg is that Albert / Flamingo from the flamggo youtube channel

by boing March 23, 2021