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November 22

November 22 is a day to hold hands, hugand spend time with the person of the opposite gender you like the most.

Boy: hey, can we hang out alone?
Girl: yeah sure, why though?
Boy: because it’s November 22

by Your best mom November 20, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

November 22

National ask your crush out day

On this day you have to ask your crush out. If not then you have to tell them you like them on a note with a gift 🎁

Girl1: Hey today it's November 22nd! You know what that means! *shoves girl t
2 to crush*

by Milk is just melted cheese November 22, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

February 22

of you are born on feb 22, you are really hot, i mean like extremely hot. But feb 22 is also the ”swedish fika day”it’s a day when you eat pussy and drink coffee

Eric: Hey, you know it is February 22 today? That means it is the β€œswedish fika day”
Marcus: yeah! Let’s get some hoes!

by dinmammaskuk November 3, 2019

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

april 22

national leave your gf alone day lmao

april 22 stop asking for nudes for a day plzs

by april 22 April 19, 2018

31πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


The worst game in existence that is made by a useless company that exploits their community's passion for the sport.

The gameplay is the most utterly depressing experience you will have in life and you will regret the day you took your first breath.

The FIFA Community is very toxic due to the environment EA has created with their game and we all hate ourselves.

Person One: "Have you pre ordered the new Fifa?"

Person Two: "No, I'd rather not subject myself to constant aids."

FIFA 22 - The game to play when you want to punish yourself

by WhenIsItGoingToEndRobbie? April 17, 2021

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


catch-22 has 3 definitions
1. A situation where both choices would have negative impacts on oneself.
2.An excellent and witty book about WWII
3.A extremely awesome ska band.

one:Dude, what a catch-22 we're in!
two:did you read that excellent book, Catch-22 yet?
Three: Sweet man! I'm going to the Catch-22 concert this april!

by Rudycan't fail March 11, 2005

143πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

October 22

National slap a russian day

It’s October 22. Slap your russian friends day

by dylandemolishes October 21, 2019

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž