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Gay alphabet

The acronym lgbtiqcapgngfnba, I'm sure there's letters missing but this bullshit acronym changes everyday.

*a shop sign that reads "we support people from lgbtiqcapgngfnba!"*. "Hey look, that shop supports people from the Gay alphabet!", "That's fucking gay as, let's avoid this woke store".

by In100years,whosgonnacare January 20, 2024

Google Alphabet

When you type each letter into Google one by one & see what the first result is. Some people post this onto Twitter.

Google Alphabet:
A is for Amazon,
B is for BBC News,
C is for Currys,
D is for Daily Mail,

by Autolectric December 24, 2015

alphabetical organic

Assorted wacky 'n' wonderful "A to Z" words relating to da "naturally created" topic:
boarganic: Naturally raised "bacon on da hoof".
boreganic: What da "back to da land" spiel of a "health-food hippie" often is.
Coorganic: Da "pure and natural" way to get drunk.
coreganic: What's left after you finish munching a wild apple.
doorganic: Da hinged front entrance to a health-foods store.
foreganic: A "viva le Woodstock" dude playing golf.
fourganic: A hippie-farmer quartet.
goreganic: "No artificial substances were used in da making of this horror flick." (It may include one or more "inconvenient truths", however.)
hoarganic: Pale-gray pigment made from natural substances.
loreganic: Grampa telling about da "good ol' days" on da family farm.
moreganic: Additional bean-sprouts and tofu.
noirganic: Variant of Definition "G" above.
norganic: It isn't naturally gown, either.
oarganic: Where you ate a whole-foods meal before rowing a boat.

Additional examples of "alphabetical organic" include:
poorganic: Not so rich as da chemical-fertilizer-using neighboring farm, but having a 100% clear conscience when you market your garden-produce.
poreganic: Healthily-unclogged skin-vents from avoiding artificial food-ingredients.
pourganic: Da "plain white yogurt" dat's tipped out from da "hand-thrown pottery jar" by da infamous "closet junk-food junkie" in Larry Groce's classic song.
roarganic: A non-domesticated lion.
soarganic: What those delightful fluffy li'l ol' songbirds do after happily pecking up their fill of naturally-raised seeds at your backyard feeder.
soreganic: How a hippie-farmer feels after laboriously tending his naturally-fertilized rows all day.
toreganic: Ripped by hand instead of with a machine.
tourganic: Where a hippie shows you around his spread.
woreganic: Only donning natural-fiber duds.
yoreganic: "'Way back in da back-to-da-land movement" tales, as described in Definition "L" above.
yourganic: Natural stuff dat belongs to you.

by QuacksO October 11, 2024

The Stinking Alphabet

The Stinking AlphabetVerbSexual Act: An Act Just Like The Spinning Alphabet But The Hole In Question Is Anal.

"Dude! After I gave your mom The Spinning Alphabet, I gave your dad The Stinking Alphabet.

by Jackie Estacadoe March 30, 2023

alphabetical accuracy

Backcuracy: How good you are at operating a vehicle in reverse.
Hackcuracy: How often you "hit da nail on da head" in da sabotage department.
Jackcuracy: (1) How straight and level you get da lifting-device for changing your flat tire, or (2) how good you are at tossing/catching a small ball and spiky playing-pieces.
Knackcuracy: How well you know/perform a particular skill or ability.
Lackcuracy: How expert you are at NOT doing/possessing something.
Mackcuracy: How good a big-rig driver you are.

Additional examples of "alphabetical accuracy" include:
Packcuracy: How neatly/efficiently you load and/or store items.
Quackcuracy: (1) How well you imitate da vocalizations of a duck, or (2) how successfully you convince gullible bystanders of da legitimacy/efficacy of your snake-oil concoctions.
Rackcuracy: (1) How well you assess da status/quantity of merchandise on a display-frame, or (2) how correctly you predict/estimate da size, shape, appearance, warmth/softness, etc. of a gal's boobs.
Sackcuracy: (1) How well you estimate da contents of a bag, or (2) how closely your guess when someone is gonna be given da boot from his present employment.
Stackcuracy: How good you are at piling up items without their falling over again.
Tackcuracy: (1) How closely you estimate da stickiness of a particular adhesive, or (2) how correct you are regarding how well a pushpin holds up an object.
Trackcuracy: (1) How good you are at maintaining good records, or (2) how efficient you are at staying on da rails when shunting freight-cars.
Whackcuracy: How often your palm "lands on target" when swatting someone's butt on his way past you.
Yackcuracy: How valid da content of an extended monologue is.

by QuacksO May 13, 2022

alphabetical orgasms

Refers to da act of getting off on various situations and circumstances, such as:
BOARgasm: research about/interaction wif wild/male pigs
BOERgasm: research about/interaction wif Dutch/Huguenot settlers in Asia

BOORgasm: partaking in "crude 'n' rude" behavior
BOREgasm: creating holes or being dull-natured
COORgasm: guzzling a Silver Bullet
COREgasm: surveying da remains of a thoroughly-eaten apple
DOORgasm: being invited inside a dwelling
FOREgasm: hitting a golf ball (can also refer to premature ejaculation while engaged in "getting in da mood" activities)
FOURgasm: involving yourself wif dual twos of something
GOREgasm: research about/interaction wif da infamous "An Inconvenient Truth" politician, or anything regarding da infamous "Old Blood 'n' Guts" 4-star general
HOARgasm: anything gray or grayish-white
LOREgasm: studying/recounting tales from yesteryear
MOORgasm: researching/trekking broad grassy meadows
MOREgasm: when receiving anything additional

NORgasm: when neither option is available or doable
OARgasm: when paddling a boat
ORgasm: when given a choice of two options
OREgasm: when you "hit pay-dirt"

Additional examples of alphabetical orgasms may occur when:
POORgasm: being unable to "keep up wif da Joneses"
POREgasm: getting goosebumps
POURgasm: seeing liquid dispensed
ROARgasm: performing a loudly-celebratory "I da MAN!" chest-pounding routine after "getting lucky" wif a female
SOARgasm: when you perfect using a hang-glider
SOREgasm: anything regarding grumpiness or painful skin/muscles
TORgasm: anything regarding a rocky outcrop or hill
TOREgasm: when gleefully ripping things apart
TOURgasm: when partaking of a guided group-stroll
WARgasm: anything combat-related (da arrogantly-bold old-school military leader mentioned above likely experienced lots of these)
WOREgasm: researching/experiencing garments of some kind
YOREgasm: taking a trip down Memory Lane
YOURgasm: paying attention to/sharing resources wif someone else

by QuacksO January 23, 2022

Alphabet Yakuza

An even way cooler way to say "Alphabet Mafia".

Gae person: "Oh yeah i'm part of the Alphabet Mafia"
even cooler Gae person: "You mean the Alphabet Yakuza, right?"

by simonsimon21 May 13, 2021