Source Code

gased em

To make fun of someone/flame them

Gased em

by OneEyedKing666 July 29, 2018

Em Rodriguez

A beautiful big but goddess

You are such a em Rodriguez

by BiopticGuide296 August 29, 2019

Auntie Em

Someone who thinks they are ANTM--America's Next Top Model (but rarely are).

Oh my, that girl over there--yeah, the one in the Rock and Republic jeans, white wife-beater, and hair extensions--she is a total Auntie Em!

by Simon Morris December 13, 2004

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

bag β€˜em and tag β€˜em

Hooking up with someone and then talking about it to everyone

Guy 1: are we going out?
Guy 2: yes
Guy 3: can’t wait to get that poon
Guy 4: alright boys bag β€˜em and tag β€˜em

by DJABBYCHRIST October 7, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

EMS Goths

A group of Goths who talk to eachother on the the Neopets 'Evil Things and Monster Sightings'(EMS) board.

They are, pretty much, the coolest group of people on Neopets(as if that was saying much). A few are somewhat elitist, having a habit of jumping all over everyone who makes "goth" boards to make sure they know exactly what they are talking about. However, the people in this group are generally very nice and accepting. Many are simply tired of the false representation of "Goth" that is so popular today(part of this group being younger people who have to put up with it a lot).

The 'EMS Goths' usually start boards to discuss music(mainly Goth Rock, Deathrock, or Post-Punk. But, there are also some people who are more into other stuff, such as Industrial and New Wave), or sometimes just to chat with people they know about whatever.

The people within this group have changed through the years. There are always new people coming into the group, and there are a lot of old members of the group who don't come on much anymore. A few people who are associated with the EMS Goth group are Casey, Lex, Zrcalo, Vanity, Herr, Anne, and Rae.

Some of the longer-standing members have even been coming to be board for much longer than most of the EMS "regs".

Recently, tree symbols have been used frequently by this group. It's the result of an inside joke. It gets called a "goth tree." And, no, they don't hate for anyone else to use the symbol. If someone says something about someone outside the group using the "goth tree," they are most likely joking around. Another thing this group has been recently known for is the "Gawfic Camel Club,"
started by Josh. Most are also members of guild "Goth Underground."

....And 'Raito Yagami' is a douchebag :)

"The EMS Goths are awesome, even if they do use the Neopets messageboards"

"The EMS Goths listen to a lot of 80s music"

"The EMS Goths sure do like camels and those little tree symbols."

by _Anonymous_Person_ October 15, 2006

30πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

switch em

Swapping both thumbs between your anus and your mouth as a means of passing time.

It takes so long to get a game of Company of Heroes started that I end up playing switch em while I wait.

by Dude from CoH December 8, 2006

19πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Em Lee

Emlee is just a simple nickname to annoy a girl by the name of Emily. Em Lee represents older sister's pain for younger sister's pleasure

Emily's sister calls her Em Lee to annoy her

by Lindsey Arkus December 21, 2004

14πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž