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Another way to say Fortnite skins

Person 1: yo how much foreskins do you have

Person 2: 27 how about you

Person 1: about 784
Person 2: go outside and touch some grass

by Ur mom gaming October 4, 2022


The flappy skin on a man's penis

No real woman has foreskin.

by Anonymous_00000000009 February 2, 2022


Skin on the penis

Women don't have foreskin

by Anonymous_00000000009 February 2, 2022


"Foreskin" a body party that can be used to lift wieght. but you has to be strong asf.

I curled 200 with my foreskin.

by GangsterFag September 26, 2022


Foreskin is your forehead skin.

We have premium foreskin du-rags including white, black, asian, hispanic, and indian.

by a lot of ( ) February 27, 2020


(abbreviation fortnite skin) a skin you can buy in the popular roblox gamemode "fortnite"

Person1: "Hey, have you seen the new foreskin?"
Person2: "Dude, it's been ten years since the accident... you should really start dating again... she would want you to be happy!"

by Samtimewizzard October 28, 2020


Nickname for discord dev Foreboding

"ayo!!! its foreskin!!" "sup foreskin?"

by ConcernedSuspect August 15, 2022