Another way to say Fortnite skins
Person 1: yo how much foreskins do you have
Person 2: 27 how about you
Person 1: about 784
Person 2: go outside and touch some grass
The flappy skin on a man's penis
No real woman has foreskin.
"Foreskin" a body party that can be used to lift wieght. but you has to be strong asf.
I curled 200 with my foreskin.
Foreskin is your forehead skin.
We have premium foreskin du-rags including white, black, asian, hispanic, and indian.
(abbreviation fortnite skin) a skin you can buy in the popular roblox gamemode "fortnite"
Person1: "Hey, have you seen the new foreskin?"
Person2: "Dude, it's been ten years since the accident... you should really start dating again... she would want you to be happy!"
Nickname for discord dev Foreboding
"ayo!!! its foreskin!!" "sup foreskin?"