The baddest bitch alive. Horrible at decision making. Funny as fuck. Went to Kutztown for a semester but couldn't take the heat. Men of all ages lover. Younger boy heart breaker. Deep Creek Gang affiliated. From the burbs of Philly, you already know, Dilly Dilly.
Yo, it's Sarah Chambers!! Not just Sarah.
ABSOLUTE freshman lover. will slay that freshman pussy in bed. Freshman are his main priority, Benet chambers will add the D to desperate.
Benet chambers fucked a freshman
The type of guy that is weird but has good intentions. Okay humour. A bit plain.
You remind me of an Alex Chambers
Secretly Loves Kendall and denies it all the time. Don't give in to his rape accusations they're just a cover up.
A time when you pull a girl's dress over their head and yours, when they need to tell you something they are hiding from you.
1) Guy: "Juliet, whats with you?" "Nothing" (she lies). *Swoossh* "CHAMBER TIME!!"
2) Guy: "Juliet, why are you being such a bitch?" Juliet: "I'M NOTT!!!" (again she lies).
*Swoosshh* "CHAMBER TIME!!"
Chamber means You want to play lets play
Example: Hey ! Chamber?
Example: Hey ! Chamber? (i fucking hate this agent ong alin faults
a chambers a family name. they are very rich, and posh. they tend to own several houses and have much money to spare.
I wish I was a chambers, they are so rich.