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Kysologie (Kys;Käse Yarak Sucuk Lehre)

Die Kysologie (Kys;Käse Yarak Sucuk Lehre) befasst sich mit Themen wie z.B. "OLLUM MACH GUTE DÖNER AMINA KUYIM" oder "Wolle lecke meine Oberlippe? Ich gebe dir Gellet!" aber am meisten auf das Thema "Wie mache ich einen perfekten Döner?" und dazu gibt es eine wichtige Formel: Einmal Döner mit alles weil Allem heute nix arbeiten,
Döner Haram Fleisch, Tomaten, Zwiebel, Knoblauch (Damit nix nur dein Axel stinken) und wichtig Salad damit dein Habibi nicht noch fetter wird.

Amina Kuyim ich gib dir gleich Kysologie (Kys;Käse Yarak Sucuk Lehre) in dein Fresse! Komm doch her!

by Kysologe September 10, 2017

6👍 4👎

king kong kitchie kitchie ky-me-yo

Its in the song "what do you say?" by Mickey Avalon. This song also appears in the movie THE HANGOVER.

Bascically.. Its what you say when you're too fucked up.

person 1: What do you say when your too fucked up?
tiny voiced person: king kong kitchie kitchie ky-me-yo

person 1: What do you say when you run out of drugs?
tiny voiced person: king kong kitchie kitchie ky-me-yo

by KIMEYO March 10, 2011

35👍 4👎

gl hf dd ka hh jk gd oe iw ky mf ay ja sf cl ds jk oa in ia nk hh hf bl

A term used in Warcraft II: Battle Net edition by
Literally meaning
"Good luck, have fun, don't die, kick ass, ha ha, just kidding. Go die, or else I will kick your mother fucking ass you jackass shitfaced cocklicking dicksucker. Just kidding! Or am I? No I am not kidding. Ha ha, have fun, bad luck."
It is only succesfully typed within the alotted 5 seconds approxamitely 33% of the time.

noob1: start
noob2: go
noob1: fucking start
CrimsonShadows: gl hf dd ka hh jk gd oe iw ky mf ay ja sf cl ds jk oa in ia nk hh hf bl
noob3: wot
noob1: wtf

by Niggadicks July 6, 2006

159👍 73👎

KY Tornado

when a girl sticks her butt straight up in the air and a dude enters her and poses like he's flying and a third party uses a wind-producing machine to make the guy spin around

I couldn't wait for Steve to come over with his new leaf-blower so me and Johnny could finally try and do the KY Tornado!

by FleaRHCP97 December 14, 2021

ky hickey

a cunt

you know ky hickey hes a cunt

by areallycollperson October 20, 2023

stupid retard kys

when your mad and dont have any more comebacks to say

Person 1: stupid retard kys
Person 2: ꧅𒈙𒐫﷽꧅𒐫𒈙⸻𒐫﷽ဪဪ𒈙𒐫꧅ဪ𒈙﷽﷽﷽𒐫꧅ဪ𒐫𒈙͝𒈙﷽꧅

by retarded black monkey October 10, 2023

Kys (Kind Youth Soul)

Kys also known as Kind Youth Soul is a thoughtful way to express your feelings.

kys (kind youth soul)

by BIGASS SHIT April 9, 2022