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link trauma

Link trauma is the sense of unease that comes from viewing a link that leads to content that is shocking, obscene, and/or disgusting. It tends to result in the need for both eye bleach and immediate browser history clearing.

fluffybunnies: OMG, i have the worst link trauma right now

asstard2000: wtf? what happened?

fluffybunnies: some asshole linked me to some heinous japscat! what has been seen cannot be unseen!

fluffybunnies: GAHHHH!

by tentaclebombs October 16, 2009

System Link

When you and your significant other align your nipples and press them together.

"Last night Janice and I system linked. It was sweet."

by sometingwong January 20, 2017

Creep Link

A link sent for the purpose of showing a picture to someone of another person that is physically attractive. (Done through facebook primarily.)

Yeah? Send me a Creep Link, lemme see how hot she is.

by RamJamJoe January 16, 2011


The act of 'liking' somebodies link posted on Facebook or any other social networking site.

Hey, thanks for that link-like on that video i found

by Telemachus0 March 25, 2011

Link and Crash

STL phenomenon. Linking up with someone you have beef with then Crashing out. Often initiated with a text, usually ends up with the cops being called

Man 1: that one mf ManMan just texted me โ€œlink and crashโ€ cause he heard what I said about his mom

Man 2: Aw shit here we go

by 314eva June 29, 2023

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

555 link

a link pointing to page that is 404 (not found) or a page which is not what it is supposed to be.

i was warezing the other day and every link i clicked was 555; no software, all pr0n and penis enlargments.

wikileaks posted a link to some damning scandal pictures but by the time i read the page all the links were 555.

rick rolling

this example has to include 555 link (even though 'link' is implicit). : )

by turbandic October 30, 2011

monkey link

A phrase reffering to the tiny little monkeys that hang on to eachother. Meaning when a clique is chillin and some random kid is continuously trying to include himself/herself.

Coolkid1: Hey guys lets get pizza tonight!
othercoolkids: YEAH!!!!!
nerd: Yeah totally!!!
coolkid1: Go the fuck away you big monkey link!

by bigmoneybri February 9, 2008