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A beautiful, stunning, cute, loving, caring girl. All around awesome to be with.

Joey: Olivia is such a good person.
Everyone: I KNOW RIGHT!!!

by Paul Blart american mall cop October 20, 2019


Olivia is some sort of bitch girl who always is annoying and keeps all your sweatshirts

olivia is a bitch

by katchow October 23, 2020


Christ on a bike she’s the most annoying little person you’ll even meet. Nonstop going on about this or that. She annoys everyone without even trying. And she pulls some of the nastiest pranks.

Yo bruh Olivia is such a typical Olivia like damn son

by David the 69th March 14, 2022


I have meet quite a few Olivia in my life and yet all of them are oddly the same. They are very determined and once her mind is set to something you can not change it. Olivia’s know their limits, so don’t ever try to stop them even if they are broken. They are very stubborn, soft and innocent. An Olivia might not show that she cares to much about thing but she cares so much if hearts and she puts her big heart into everything she does and I’ve seen all my Olivia’s get their hearts broken because of that. Olivia’s have a soul as bright as a star and they glow so bright full of life and alive ready for anything that may come their way. And I know that all my big hearted Olivia’s would die for any soil on this planet, they are so wholesome and pure hearted to the born. It you are in a dark place get an Olivia they will light but the room and blind you with the big light and passion in their eyes.

“Olivia is one very bright soul

by willow-grace December 9, 2020


a quibly who makes cookies for her very best best friends 😋

are you olivia?
yes, my best friends are mo, elianna and bobby

by mothequibly November 10, 2020


Most perfect girl you will ever meet. Sweet, kind, caring, athletic, strong, gorgeous; so many more. Her smile can light up a room. Her beautiful eyes glistening all the time. Makes you smile even on the worst days.


by Carol123456789 April 2, 2022


all that is good in the world, she is the most perfect person you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. charming, pretty, and funny, once you first meet her she is the only girl you will ever think about. from her shining eyes to her sexy legs, olivia controls all men without even realizing it. like sugar kane, she is the sweetest girl, undeniably romantic and innocent, a passionate lover. every kiss will lead you further into her grasp. although she may feel unconfident, she is a professional in every way. even her smallest actions can be seen from space, but its a good thing the astronauts arent watching otherwise theyd lose control of their ship. upon entering the room, one word comes to the mind of all men present: damn. she truly has it all--looks, intelligence, and personality. she is untouchable for all except the people she chooses to let inside. many will misjudge olivia, but only those who take the time to get to know her will be rewarded with her friendship. but be warned-- once she has hold of you, you will never want to be with anyone else for she is perfect.

Everyone wants to date olivia.

by Pey10 August 31, 2017