That Pineapple Monkey Is getting all the Pineapple off the tree
Pineapple heed is defined as a rather large pointing ponytail that people stick at the top of their heeds and on special occasions may opt to add accessories such as sparklers on said wearers birthday. They are rather fashionable with many celebs copying this new fasion forward trend e.g. Kate hudson and are very practical on nite outs, particularly if its a "sweat fest". In addition, pineapple heeds are good hairstyles for on holiday such as Malia 2k10 where the term was originally created,piloted and estabillished.
"Kalen thats wan belter of a pineaple heed"
"That is the best pineapple heed ive ever seen"
"Check oot her pineapple heed"
Prolapsed hemoroidal anus, due extensive anal sex, sprinkled with powder sugar (or coke).
Last night I gave my beloved spouse a Dusty Pineapple.
A pineapple or (MWAD) is a goofy british youtuber who makes trash vids and live streams
I hate this guy named Pineapple (MWAD)!
anix’s word for the green thing on top of spongebobs house
weow did you see the green thing on spongebobs house?
duh it’s pineapple hair
when people refer to a pineapple bush they are referring to a person's virginity.
guy: hey wanna do it?
girl: no i don't want you to take my pineapple bush! i'm saving it for someone else ;)
guy: hoe...
The sexual act of a man cumming into pineapple and the other person drink the cum from the pineapple
Damn, I gave that bitch pineapple smoothie last night!