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Dewalt settings

When you take a drill to the dome from 3 floors up because you're too stupid to wear a hard hat

You hear about my boy? The dude got his wig split by a power drill. Been set back to Dewalt settings. His poor mama

by TheOrginalRabbitTamer February 3, 2023

The Marty Set

The notion of being victorious during a tennis match, despite losing.

We lost the first two sets to Sperls and Tax again, but we were up 3-2 in the third when our court time was up. Sooooo, we got The Marty Set for the victory! (followed by a fist pump)

by rjliii November 2, 2014

C1 Settings

When your bestfriend list On snapchat is full of the opposite gender it becomes C1 settings. You basically are a player But it’s not by choice and you Everyone knows it.

Man 1: You chat to bare girls
Man 2: yeah it’s C1 settings
Man 1: aha peakkk😂

by Quit_Dont July 29, 2020

erection set

A row of men erect and standing to attention

She walked into the room and the men formed an erection set

by Ozzy2006 January 31, 2016

yard settings

Time to leave; wanting to go home

I think its yard settings after this

by george is leng August 25, 2021

Set 10

Set 10 kids are basically kids that are normal kids but have the mentality of a special needs kid

Karen be actin like em set 10 kids no cap 🧢

by YNWyoungDevil November 19, 2020

dip set

A group of friends from harlem, NY that rap.
The shortened version of the diplomats set.

(person1) Yo, i saw the diplomats in concert in Harlem last week.
(person2) Yea i was there too, i love dipset

by kits August 19, 2003

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