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ugly as homemade sin

A very southern phrase refering to the act of incest.

"that's as ugly as homemade sin!"

by C. Hardy October 13, 2006

81πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

The 7 Deadly Sins

1. Windows
2. Word
3. Excel
4. Power Point
5. Access
6. Outlook Express
7. Internet Explorer

by pablito August 14, 2003

279πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

the 7 deadly sins

2 Wrath
3 Lust
4 Sloth
5 Gluttony
6 Greed
7 Envy

Every sin is rooted from the first sin commited in universe: Pride. Satan was so proud of himself being the strongest angel, he thought he could rebel against God.

by nikkan_hanil July 2, 2004

96πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

7 deadly sins

7 sins that every one commits, so we're all going to hell
1. Pride
2. Envy
3. Gluttony
4. Lust
5. Anger
6. Greed
7. Sloth

Everyday ways of committing the 7 deadly sins:

Girl 1: Wow, I'm got an A !!
(Devil snickering at the corner one more person added to his collection)

Random kid: Man, Girl 1 got an A, I wish I can too
Devil: Yasss

Mom 1: Hey Girl 1 wanna go out to celebrate
Girl 1: Ice cream?
Mom 1: Why not.
...At JP Licks
Girl 1: One large ice cream with extra caramel and some marshmallows

Devil: I might as well kill her now
Boy 1: Damn girl 1 doesn't only have a fine brain, but a fine ass body
Boy 2: (Drooling over girl 1's ass)
Devil counts all the people to add to his collection
Girl 2: That bitch Tatiana ARRGGG my boyfriend has his eyes all over her
Devil: Mwahaha
Girl 1: I love my job they pay so well
Girl 2: Give me cash
Girl 1:Two more for me
Next day:
Mom 2: Derrik wake up
Boy 1: Mom 2 come on, give me 5 minutes
Mom 1: It's 11:30 AM
Boy 1: Early for me
Mom: Arrgghh
Devil: Mwahaha

by IRobot December 31, 2015

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Seven Deadly Sins

Sins that occur within the Christians tradition. The sins include sloth, gluttony, pride, envy, greed, wrath and of course lust.


Eric: dude you’re comitting one of The Seven Deadly Sins right now

by ramdongirl April 14, 2019

Sin Worthy Splash

Sin Worthy Splash

Eli Is a Sin Worthy Splash

by Jim From Sprite April 3, 2019

Sin Man Fai

A prodigy of La Salle College, mastering the fine art of trashtalking at lessons. Usually delivers totally not life-changing historical meanings during his class where 80% of students sleep right through the end. Rumours has it that his HKU Philosophy Degree is purchased from TaoBao.

Student A: Ayo it's Sin Man Fai's lesson
Student B: O God gonna hear his bullshit for 40 minutes straight again.

by Poorjar April 24, 2023