Source Code

ya mum

a way of paying out someone and their mother. good phrase if you have a bad vocab.

Augustus: What are you doing up so late brother?
Bartholumew: Ya mum.

by Maddizzle May 26, 2004

21πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

ur mum

stupid insult used by dumass stoner townies when challenged by anyone

<cool person 1>"look at that dumass townie"
<cool person 2>"yeah what a kev"
<cool people> "OI UNTZ!"
<townie> Yeah i did ur mum last night she was well fat and crap.
<cool people> oh arnt we original
<townie> aaaaha ur mum

by schmuckman January 8, 2005

57πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

your mum

An insult used by townies and rejects, their mother is usually an alcoholic on crack and addicted to cough drops.

Person 1. You faggot!
Person 2. Err...Umm...Well, your mum!

by Hado-Ken July 13, 2004

39πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

mum bummer

The act of being overly nice and polite to the parents of friends/acquaintances, especially mothers, when you are in fact brash and filthy around your peers.

See also: dad spooner, granny grinder

We needed to leave but Kevin was busy being a mum bummer and we got there ten minutes late.

I'm wasn't mum bumming, she was just asking me all these questions.

by barkbat October 22, 2009

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Mum thumb

When someones mum wont let them do something, even though they are old enough to decide for themselves.

Overbearing, controlling mother.

Similar to being under your girlfriend/wifes thumb.(not cool)

"No way dude, Dave wants to get a tattoo and although he's 19, his mom wont let him"
"He's so under the Mum thumb!"

by nicko2 September 7, 2007

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neo pronouns of a closeted pan sexual and transgender man that may also be cringe some of they might go by mumself or mumit

example #1

β€œhey ur hru”
β€œhey it’s mums”
example #2

β€œi go by the pronouns ur/mum or mumself/mummit”
β€œoh so you like wearing furry cosplay and eat the droppings (poop) of ur dominant significant other

by factsman2629 August 17, 2021

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A grandmother that doesn't want to be called a grandmother because she doesn't act her age but in stead acts like her kids or someone in their 20's.

Sharlene, isn't a grandma but instead a g-mum.

by duckwoman77 July 29, 2009

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