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OMG did you see that beast!??
Yesh, Varun's pretty cool.

by l'admirateur April 3, 2009

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1. A misfortune or disaster, as in a loss of property or personal injury.
2. An affliction; adversity; misery.

1: Oh f**k, I've lost my phone!

2: You've had a beast mate.

by Gentle August 23, 2007

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A means of describing someone as being particularly strong in a physical manner. Can also be used to describe someone who is absorbed into something and therefore makes it a focal point of their existence (i.e., karate, cardiovascular exercise, video games, etc.)

Did you hear what he did to that Mini Cooper? HE FLIPPED THE BITCH!! Dude, Forest is such a friggin' beast!

by Joseph Kielbasa June 2, 2003

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Meaning: To do something quickly.

"Beast it over to the tuck shop at the start of break to get to the front of the queue"

by Jonny.R December 19, 2005

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beast of birkenhead

The true calling of junior the egomaniac (junior grimes/logan grimes)

The Beast of Birkenhead = junior grimes the forbidden one.....


If there’s ever an individual one can recognize as being the signature icon of a town then it’s junior grimes “the beast of birkenhead” as this young kid made his Mark on this world as the rejected son that rebelled against the world and follows his destiny rather than be like everybody else.

The town of birkenhead speaks words louder than the strongest cry to the heavens as not one has been able to match the impact that junior grimes has made in recent years.

Junior Grimes, brit aussie actor and rapper/singer. Recognizes his hometown of birkenhead forevermore.

Beast of birkenhead is his trademark name since he’s a fighter by birth and a killer by destiny whether or not junior admits to it or not. For one day junior the sinful son shall return to his town to see how much it has changed or if it’s the same as he remembers it once was.

There’s ONLY ONE beast of birkenhead and that is NONE OTHER THAN junior the egomaniac (the Forbidden One)

Anyone that follows junior grimes the egomaniac shall ALWAYS know about birkenhead as the breeding ground for alot of juniors personality since he is the sinful son, the one who will open the gates of hell and fill the world with chaos.

Junior Grimes the beast of birkenhead

Islamic terrorists: haha nobody can’t stop us

UK and US army: we can’t, but he can

The Beast of birkenhead: *arrives*

Islamic terrorists: *shits pants*

the beast of birkenhead: *proceeds to burn them alive including their shit countries altogether*

Junior the beast of birkenhead

by Mystery box July 1, 2021

beast of birkenhead

the other name of junior the egomaniac aka “Junior Grimes”, when one refers to juniors monstrous and merciless nature then it is applicable to call him as he was born; a beast of birkenhead.

Junior grimes was raised in birkenhead, the filthiest and lowest part of the Mersey side. anyone that knows junior well enough knows that birkenhead is home for him as the sinful son References the Wirral (birkenhead duh) in alot of his songs.

The Beast of Birkenhead = junior grimes the forbidden one.....

The wirral part of the UK that junior calls his hometown even though they took him outta there to supposedly give him a “normal life” and look where that brought junior, missing home and longing to return as soon as possible......

If there’s ever an individual one can recognize as being the signature icon of a town then it’s junior grimes “the beast of birkenhead” as this young kid made his Mark on this world as the rejected son that rebelled against the world and follows his destiny rather than be like everybody else.


Junior grimes is probably the best thing to come outta birkenhead which still isn’t saying much. And though even the people of that town disown junior as well he still has a sentimental attachment to his hometown.......

Junior Grimes, brit aussie actor and rapper/singer. Recognizes his hometown of birkenhead forevermore.

Junior Grimes the beast of birkenhead

Random scouser 1: oi you got another fag, mate?

Random underage chick: piss off I don’t smoke and I’m not your mate!

Random scouser: well lemme atleast pull your panties down , love

Random underage chick: oh I don’t know about that, your kinda filthy looking

Other scouser: wow darling your really disappointing the beast of birkenhead

Random underage chick: oh alrighty then let’s shag then , call it a threesome then?

**Both scouser proceed to sandwich said girl**

Junior the beast of birkenhead

by Unusually late June 29, 2021

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beast patch

An isolated patch of hair found anywhere on the body. Most common areas include the hands, back, chest, and pubic area on an unkept person.

Check out the beast patches on Jim's hands. Those make him look like a werewolf.
Check out the beast patch on that broad's vagina. I'll bet that smells like godzilla's breath. Bitch needs a shave!

by sciflyer.25 September 15, 2010

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