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Cunty Bass

An Insult used against another. Could be used towars an odourous vagina, or a bitchy fish if the situation calls for it.

Pronounced "Cun-Tee BAss"

Jeff: Should I Become A Doctor, Or A Teacher?

Megan: Doesn't really matter, You'll be a Cunty Bass Either way.

"They ran out of hotdogs at Ikea today"
"No Way. what did you do?"
"I Called the Woman A Cunty Bass and got some Schnitzle Instead"

by M Dizzzzzzzle November 19, 2006

Cunty Hoe

Joining a Facebook group and then taking every idea from the group and starting one exactly like it.

"We have a problem, the cunty hoe stole our Facebook idea and is ripping us off."

by Da badass queen 👑 February 6, 2017


A woman who has a fetish for vomit.

Elizabeth is so cuntie!

by Dikdiklover123 December 7, 2022


when some one wants to talk to you and y say fuck off then you are a cuntie

oi you ther. "fuck off", you are a cuntie

by bigdickmastermyuiugyfhoijn September 20, 2017


Flooring someone on purpose or accidentally with some sort of physical action.

punching a dude in the face and then he hits the deck. He is then cuntied.

by Fibbbbblybits followon twitter June 15, 2009

Cunty Beer Fuck

An individual who cannot stand the thought of drinking anything other than craft beer and feels the need to impress others with their knowledge of all things beer.

A bud light? Ew! You know I’m a cunty beer fuck!

by The_Story April 18, 2022

Cunty Nigga

A negroid male that is prone to act in a manner conducive of a cunt.

Yo Jamal, quit being a cunty nigga, dawg...

by BingBonkTheorem January 15, 2022