The expression from a woman when you are having vaginal sex from behind and it accidentally slips into the butt.
We were having sex, it slipped in the wrong hole, and she exclaimed, “Boo Hoo!”
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a phrase used when someone's request is rudely or comedically declined.
Trinity: "Can I go to the party?"
Lena: "Hell to the na'll!"
Joanee: "Boo Hoo Games!"
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Hoo rah rim is the raised edge of skin around the head of the dick. Basically the dick head.
“Damn that girl can suck a hoo rah rim”
“Girl come on over here and get on this hoo rah rim”
Version of the popular game commonly played at extended family reunions. In this game, discretion is allowed to include any fictitious "word" provided it can be used in a sentence.
Dude #1: OK, here's my word... "witya" ...
Dude #2: And the sentence?
Dude #1: If you're going for more beer I'm going "witya"
Dude #2: You win Yay-Hoo Scrabble, Let's ride!!
Her: Do you want to stew a hoo ha later?
Him: You know it baby.
1.) A doctor in the pricipal of woo hooing. Presently known as sex-aid. No not the drink even though possible and delicious it is in reference to a doctor who stands beside your bed and directs you through the sex. Many people find it uncomforitble with a man or woman watching you and telling you where and when to put you cha-cha here and there. But once you have the orgasm you barly notice and mother nature takes over. These doctors are usually used for nerds and people insecure. (probably like you if you're reading this) They are very helpful and educated so i recomend one.
Susie is so insecure she got a Dr. Woo Hoo for her first seven times.
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if something is awesomely huge or bigger than massive
woow that thing is ma-hoo-sive
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