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Soul Mate

You may be lucky enough to find one of these in your life time. A soul mate is the kind of person who you can walk around San Francisco with, acting like a goblin, or a raptor, and they wont judge you at all. You can eve show off all your dance moves, and they just laugh at you, in a loving way. A soul mate is the kind of person who you can sing Robin Thicke's - Lost Without U with on the Bart as loud as you can, and not care who hears or looks. They are the kind of person who you can listen to an epic harmonica solo with, while making harmonica noises in the car, and when you look over and say, "This makes me thing of Rosanne," they go "OMG ME TOO." They are the kind of person who when Tegan and Sara's - Nineteen comes on, you both look at each other, laugh, and realize that the song was written about you two. They are the person who you can get the Troy and Abed handshake down with, with no practice, without even trying. They are the ying to your yang. They eat your green food. And don't hate you for watching glee. They are your best friend. They are your companion.

Ex. 1
M - "Hey do you know Julia?"
S - "Know her!? She's my soul mate!"

Ex. 2

T and S - "I felt you in my heart, before I even knew you!"
J and S - *look at each other and laugh*
S - "Soul Mates."

by MrCleverFox October 24, 2011

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Mate Mail

The complete opposite of Hate Mail Mate Mail is either a letter or an email from your best friends.

I turned on my computer today and had a ton of Mate Mail waiting for me

by SceneOne September 6, 2010

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Yerba Mate

The Argentinian weed that gives an uplifting effect and is drinked with hot poured water and the help of a bombilla

Person 1: Let's get high men!
Person 2: Ok dude, let's drink yerba mate

by SosaMan99 October 23, 2018

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Poofta mate

Aussie saying to inform Simone that they're A total gay cunt

oi Tommy! You're a poofta mate

by Legit_cunt69 August 30, 2017

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Come on mate

A term used in mild exasperation at someone else's nagging, poor attempt at something, not doing the decent thing by another person, being disorganised, being lazy, making poor choices or letting shit get out of control.

It can also be used in a more positive way to encourage a friend to reach for the stars.

Nagging example:
Wife: I thought I told you to put the bins out!! Why haven't you done it!
Husband: Ahhh...come on mate...settle down, it will get done.
Wife: I am not your fucken mate!

Poor attempt example:
Charlie: I forgot to order the concrete we need for the pour tomorrow morning....I was too busy playing Words with Friends on my phone man.
Tom: Fuck! Come on mate!!

Being lazy example:
Ivan: I think we'll just have tuna on toast for dinner tonight.
Wendy: Come on mate! What is all this about? I thought we were going to have a romantic night in and you were going to cook Mozzarella with Creme Fraiche and Figs.

Being disorganised example:
Cam: Oh...I can't go for a run today because I forgot my towel, my shoes and a spare pair of jocks.
Leigh: Come on mate! Get yourself sorted!

Making poor choices example:
Evan: I fucken sunk 40 pots and 20 jimmies over the weekend and now I am too rooted to go to my 4 year old daughters fairy party.
John: Faaark...come on mate!

Letting shit get out of control example:
Annie: I loaned my ex another $3,000 so he could travel to Europe. He now owes me $20,000 but I don't think he can pay me back until he gets a steady job.
Karly: Oh no, Annie...come on mate!

Positive encouragement example:
Olga: Let the espresso martini challenge begin!
Melissa: We are sooo doing this, espresso martinis are flippin' delicious!
Olga: Come on mate...let's get off the fucken island and go.
Melissa: Come on maaaate! OTP, OTP, OTP...

by Towball August 31, 2014

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mate check

When you are with your favourite mates of all time. CAN NOT BE USED WITH UNGENUINE MATES. Use it when you pick up the phone to your mate, all your favourite mates are in the same place, when your mate does/says something to do with an inside joke.

*your favourite mate of all time is ringing you and you pick up the phone*
"ayo, mate checkkkkk"

by yamumsskin March 8, 2020

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mate value

How attractive someone is as a potential mate. Based on things like beauty/hotness, wealth, intelligence, etc. Different qualities impact mate value in different cultures, and mate value is evaluated somewhat differently for guys versus girls.

Why is it that I keep getting fixed up with guys with super-low mate value?!? I am not lowering my standards!!!

by cherryblossom July 3, 2009

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