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Soft Metal

Metal music that is softer than other Metal. It is NOT Hard Rock. While the difference between Hard Rock and Heavy Metal is often described as metal being heavier, louder, and more aggressive (together it's called harder), this is not always always the case. There are few other key differences between Hard Rock and Heavy Metal. One is that Heavy Metal tends to be more distorted, which does not necessarily imply a harsher sound. Another is that Hard Rock is based around Blues rhythms, while Heavy Metal is usually based around either a constant beat, a classical based rhythm, or a complex "mathy" rhythm. The most important feature here is that Heavy Metal is guitar driven, while Hard Rock is vocal driven.

Soft Metal would be Heavy Metal that is softer than most Hard Rock. Soft Metal is a very melodic form of music based around guitars that while distorted are not harsh sounding. In fact they might sound even less harsh than undistorted guitars. It's texture is similar to that of classical music, more so than ordinary Heavy Metal. It is NOT the same thing as a Power Ballad. For one, Power Ballads are almost always vocal, while Soft Metal is usually instrumental. Also, Soft Metal tends to be faster in tempo than Power Ballads. Finally, Power Ballads are usually based around a structure where they build up in tensity and only get metal at the climax. Soft Metal may build in intensity at parts in the song, but it's equally metal through the entire song.

Kaoss Walker makes pony themed Soft Metal.

by Ganondox July 2, 2013

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Black Metaller

Anyone who is into black metal. Black metallers often are known to appreciate Black Metal, norway, philosophy, classical music and sometimes Satan (usually it's just the band members who do the whole Satan thing.)

Although Black Metallers are considered nasty people to be around, they aren't often around due to the lack of live performances from bands. Very few bands perform live and when they do I can admit the fans go crazy but look at the anarcho-punk scene or the american rap scene? The only difference is the fact Black Metallers keep it far more underground.

Everyday joe: I don't like the idea behind this "death metal" music of yours

Black Metaller: It's called black metal and how can it be harmful if you never even heard of it?

by Alejandre Paul's son April 29, 2009

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death metal

What the Cookie Monster does at night, after Sesame Street closes.

Whenever the old lady bitches about "playing your death metal music in front of the kids" I just tell them "it's the Cookie Monster singing."

by Alpino August 26, 2008

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Death Metal

Death metal is a genre of music ambiguous in origin. But its classification can only be defined by two common characteristics; low growling often gutteral vocals and distorted guitars. The degrees of these may vary.

Many DM bands have adopted themes of depravity. Such as murder, rape, torture, necrophilia, and pathology. Ala Cannibal Corpse, Disgorge (USA), and Pustulated. Others experimented with alternate subjects such as existentialism, nihlism, war, fear, and alternate realities and universes. Ala Disavowed, Debodified, Cryptopsy, Wormed. And some have devoted thier themes to anti-christian, satanic,necronomicon, egyptian, sumarian or demonology. Ala Deicide, Morbid Angel, Nile, and Internal Suffering.

Besides variance in themes bands vary in style. There are many styles to DM but I will seperate them into the two easiest catagories; brutal and technical. Many technical DM bands tend to stray from the typical themes of depravity and often have views similar to (black metal) bands. But thier musicianship is rival to few. Some technical DM bands would be Deeds of Flesh, Lust of Decay, and Hate Eternal. While brutal DM bands concentrate less on technicality and more on sound. And thier sound is massive! thick, tight, and low. The vocalists push thier throats into new boundries with gutteral emmisions. The drummers play with triggered kick drums, ice bells, and piccolo snare drums tuned so high that every blast beat is magnified in clarity. The guitars are detuned often as far as B or A#. The riffs played are a mix between noisy blast beat grinds and palm muted chunky slamming breakdowns with loads of pinch harmonic squeals. Some brutal DM bands that adapt these qualities are Internal Bleeding, Goretrade, and Fleshgrind.

Phrasing is not the only distinction between the legions of death. Region also plays a key role. Florida is home to many of the forefathers ala Deicide, Morbid Angel, and Death. While New York has been home to many old and new Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, and Internal Bleeding lit the tourch while bands such as Internal Suffering, Copremisis, and Malignancy now carry it. Mexico seems to love pathology (study of dieseases) ala Disgorge, Rottenness, Tu Carne,and Lymphatic Phlegm. While Brazil likes a more thrash oriented sound ala; Mental horror, Abhorrance, and Krisiun. But the Columbians are just plain brutal ala; Internal Suffering, Goretrade, and Carnal. The rocky mountains are no stranger to high altitudes or getting high ala Wicked Innocence, Cephalic Carnage, and Undertaker. But Illinois seems to be overrun with sickos ala; Lividity, Macabre, and Gorgasm. Canada has equal parts brutality and technicality ala; Cryptopsy, Martyr and Anal Bleeding. Europe loves DM also the Dutch have an interesting take on technicallity ala; Prostitute Disfigurement, Pyaemia, Severe Torture. While the Italians and French like it sick and brutal ala; Morgue, Corpsefuckingart, and Voracious Gangrene. Spain is becoming a crushing entity of its own with bands like Impure, Wormed, and Machetazo. The Czechs may not be playing exactly DM but thier version of death grind is swift and relentless ala; Malignant Tumor, Alienation Mental, and Pigsty. Many nations have embraced DM Japan has Vomit Remnants. Indonisia has Jasad. Australia has Psycroptic and Intense Hammer Rage. New Zealand has Corpse Carving.

But let us come back to the US for a second cause there is a small pocket of terrain that inhabits the most disturbed individuals...Texas! The Texas underground scene includes bands such as Putrilage, Prophecy, Grotesque Formation, Sect of Execration, Sintury, Viral Load, Insidious Decrapency, Exulcerate and last but not least (yep you guessed it)The mighty "Devourment." The band to end all DM bands. The band which defines DM. The band whos first and only full length album "Molesting the Decapitated" set the bar of brutality so high that it has been the inspiration to millions and also the demise of many. The album was perfect it was the complete package. The sound, the lyrics, the imagery everything was over the top and beyond. It was so monstrous that it even envoked a new genre "ultra brutal." It even spawned a new way of thinking pre-devourment and post-devourment.

Possessed may have stumbled apon the title "death metal" with thier 1985 album Seven Churches and Death may have had similar thinking with songs like "regurgitated guts" "torn to peices" and "mutilation" with thier 1987 release Scream Bloody Gore. So for that we owe them for comming up with the title DM, for if not for them we might be calling to blood metal or hate metal or some other epithet. But as far as sound wise they had very little to do with it. Bands like Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation had far more contribution to the title than thier predecessors. Just as Devourment thiers.

So with these many variances and many sub-genres ala; DM, death grind, technical DM, brutal DM, ultra brutal DM, gore metal, and gore grind one thing is proven DM is a medium in which many textures may be used. And with the virtuosos that take interest in DM everyday it is truly an advant-gard free form of music. DM is freedom DM is art.

Devourment is death metal

by Warren Beyda May 27, 2005

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prog metal

Evolved from the Progressive Scene Incorporating Heavy Metal. Usually Very Melodic Vocals and Complex Song Structure and very Technical. Very Epic with some songs at about 25 minutes long.

Similar Genres: Power Metal. Melodic Metal. Death Metal (just with roaring).

Vanden Plas are just about the Best Prog Metal you can get!

by Mr W April 8, 2004

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symphonic metal

The best kind of metal there is out there. It's got the hardcore drums and guitars of heavy metal, but most of the time beautiful symphonies (like in classical music) are added, mainly by instruments such as acoustic guitar, piano, keyboard, violin. In other words, a brilliant work of art.

Some good symphonic metal bands are Within Temptation, Epica, Delain, Nightwish, Otep, Leaves' Eyes, and Tristania.

by bluebirdy12 November 13, 2010

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Gangsta Metal

Obscure genre of music even to the underground music scene so much it is known as the music and culture of the underworld, it's combining of the two extreme cultures and music have cause controversy with rap fans and metal fans although many metal bands today use the concept of combining the musical styles.

This genre of music emerged in the early 90's a style that originated in Oakland, California USA by an underground pioneer named Omardoe. Many writers have confused the listening audience by suggesting that the music attracts a certain race of people, this is rejected by people of the underworld culture who know the music to be a force uniting all subcultures and see race issues as a promoted illness of bigotry.

There are several bands from the early 90's that writers describe as Gangsta Metal but these bands themselves did not describe the music as such. For years Gangsta Metal was a concept of uniting culture and music with parties that played both metal and Gangsta music, and street people who were outcast by both worlds getting together on the streets exchanging sub-cultures. This is known as the underworld the outcast of the underground.

In the year 2000 Omardoe formed a band called Debtera which is known as the first band to represent the music of the underworld; Gangsta Metal as a genre a sound and culture, blending the music and the culture without the pimps and hoes, degradation of women and without racism of any kind.

The Gangsta Metal bands (the real Gangsta MEtal) of today are:
Dread of Auxum

by Breathe Blood July 25, 2006

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