A more effective way to shoot free throws than the way Andre Drummondd shots them.
Andre Drummondd should try grannie style.
They are amazing grandparents and love their little hanyaks and nincompoops
Granny and grumpy
A Milf so sexy she is hot as a hot potato
That potato granny that works is in accounts is as sexy as a hot potato
A hairstyle commonly worn by little old ladies, where their short hair is blown out and teased into a round poof resembling a cotton ball and/or cheese puff.
Bingo night in the church basement was packed with little old ladies, and from overhead one could see a multitude of granny poofs.
a pornstar who is also an elderly woman
me: who is granny norma?
urban dictionary: something very discoutang.
When you ask your grandma to sew your dick to your homies dick.
Jamie: Hey check it out me and Lucas got Granny Dick
Lucas: Fucken oath