When students from Asia’s four tigers (Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan) continually rank among the world’s top ten in international education assessments like the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)—it is no surprise that the high mathematical proficiency of their citizens has contributed to their countries’ high GDPs.
A common denominator of tiger math nations is their cult-like devotion to education (and tuition)—one of the strong pillars of their economic success stories.
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A man that is an alpha male, yet is thoughtful and kind, especially to those he loves.
David is a real pussycat-tiger. He takes such good care of those he loves.
When you accidentally feel up on a stranger thinking it's your significant other. This act can be almost as dangerous as walking into a tiger pit to pet the kitties.
That other blonde girl looks a lot like Sean's blind date. If he doesn't pay attention, he'll end up tiger pitting that other girl.
When a guy is fucking a girl and pulls out before he cums, backs up and shoots his load at the hole while screaming “Fore!!!”
You: Last night I was fucking Ashley and pulled a Tiger Wood on her
Friend: No way, did you sink the shot?
You: Nah, it went wide left and hit her pillow
Having intercourse with a women or man from behind, who happens to have stretch marks that resemble those of a tiger patterned all across their behind.
I was hitting this girl from the back and she had so many stretch marks, it was definitely tiger sex.
For something to smell really really bad
Or for someone to be really sexy .
Opens dirty nappy foowie tiger that’ smells really bad
Hot women walking down the street with big booty ‘foowie tiger
Tiger in a Boat
1. a substitute for "The Life of Pi" book or movie.
2. "Bullshit," a lie, or an exaggeration
1. an embellishment of a story
2. to dismiss, to disregard
Acronym: TiaB
Note: I have not seen, nor read, Life a Pi.
1. "Do you wanna go see Tiger in a Boat? It's good, I swear. It won all of the gold globes."
2. "What a bunch of Tiger in a Boat!" "What a crock pot of Tiger in a Boat!"
1."There is no god if you continue telling me this boring story. Give me the Tiger in a Boat version."
1. "You can't Tiger in a Boat me like that. We're besties, and it's the honest truth."