Hipsters that circle potential sources of culture, swooping in whenever something begins to generate hype and ruining said thing for the rest of us. Once something is attacked by a hype vulture, all further observers must be wary of being accused of being a hype vulture themselves.
I went to the WU LYF show but it was full of hype vultures.
facebook vulture
1. A fun, but sad, condition of someone who waits for people to post topics of interest and then swoops in only to start a topic debate.
2. Someone who has patiently spent the time and effort to bake scrod on facebook.
Cody is such a facebook vulture. Today's prey was the Obama education speech and he swooped and started a long debate.
When you tell someone a joke you made up and then they start telling it and say they made it up
Wyatts a joke vulture every joke I've ever told him he's stolen
A phrase used to describe a group of people roasting you to make everyone think you won.
Guy 1: Hey, remember when you...
Guy 2: Yeah man, you're such a hypocrite!
Guy 3: Oh my god, you people are vultures!
Scoping a party for hot bitches and then fucking them hard
Hannah is such a Puerto Rican Vulture!
when you hate on other artists.
Culture vultures are also known to be jealous of the artists’ talent.
You are such a culture vulture!
Someone who uses words like, “unhonorable”, which is NOT actually a word at all. (The correct word is dishonorable).
People who use these words, especially those who go as far as using them in the submission of a definition on a word-centric site (like Urban Dictionary) evidently have zero culture (or intelligence) but they think they do and want others to think so too.
Person 1: hey look at this definition submission on Urban Dictionary for ‘culture vulture’, the guy who wrote it used the word ‘unhonorable’ in his explanation!
Person 2: what an idiot, now THAT is a culture vulture!
Person 1: ha ha! So true! It’s dishonorable to Urban Dictionary to offer that definition. Doesn’t anyone read books anymore?!