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Urban Dictionary

The best dictionary on the internet

I used the Urban Dictionary to type up words

by Dictionary Data November 28, 2022

Urban Dictionary

The site you are on right now. Search any word here and there will be plenty of definitions.

P.S. Why in the heck would you search Urban dictionary ON Urban dictionary?

Person: Hey, have you heard of Urban dictionary?
Person 2: Yeah man, it's SWEET, bro!

by Jane Hopper 💖 May 11, 2018

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a website commonly used to find the meaning behind slang terms.

Anyone can submit a term, which allows for new slang to be quickly added and kept up with.

Unfortunately this allows for fake for forced submissions. These range from people trying to start/force their own slang terms, or morons who think a well accepted term actually means something else.
Sometimes angry users also like to make slanderous definitions for things they dislike.
Definitions can luckily be voted positive or negative by users, allowing for wrong or poorly defined definitions to be buried in the trash where they belong.

Example 1 - "LOL? Doesn't that mean Lots Of Love? Let's check Urban Dictionary... Oh! It means Laugh Out Loud! Better go edit my response to grandma's death!"

Example 2 - "What does this term mean? Let me check Urban Dictionary... Oh god. What the fuck."

Example 3 - "Oh man I hate THING. I'm gonna go make a definition on Urban Dictionary about how THING is terrible, and only idiots and morons like THING. Hehe this is gonna be epic."

Example 3 - Dad: "Urban Dictionary? Fr fr no cap I learned all my slang there. On god that site's straight bussin yo."

Son: "Please stop"

by JC Jensen November 16, 2022

Urban Dictionary

Grammar Nazi Hell. Come on, its not THAT hard to spell words right.

haz, m8, pls, etc...These are some of the common misspellings on Urban Dictionary.

by Applesaucessss February 24, 2014

urban dictionary

BEST FUCKING APP FOR CRACKHEADS! like schools fuck yeah, like in bed fuck yeah, like when your friend tells u a dirty think and u dont know fuck yeah

Friend: i had a blow job last night
Friend 2: oh ok i had a rim job
Friend 3: i did the lion kind last night
Me: *** searching up what it means on urban dictionary***

by Dockerssssss July 18, 2019

Urban dictionary

Website that tells true definition of words most dictionaries wouldn't tell you.

The urban dictionary had curse words in it.

by Redneck888883838383838 September 19, 2017

Urban Dictionary

A Dictionary full of sex jokes

Hello john pork lets hop on Urban Dictionary and make sex jokes and have gay sex later!!

by TheRealGaymer June 1, 2024