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Take this in

A phrase used to set the mood and prepare whoever you’re taking to for an incredible story.

A: “Tell that story about you and the green haired girl again!”

B: “Ok ok one last time. So take this in…”

by D123L123 February 10, 2022

Taking a 90s Shit

Taking a 90s shit without your smartphone, all alone. No scrolling. Just you, yourself and the bowl. It takes you back to a simpler time.

Damn I was just “taking a 90s shit” when I heard my phone ringing in the other room. What a buzzkill

by azelyn cooter head April 12, 2023

thai take-out

Placing a gerbil in a balloon; inserting it into one's anus/vagina; then blowing up the balloon and taking bets on how long said theorem gerbil survives.

Tom, stop by the pet store... I'm thinking Thai Take-out tonight. Wink.

by unicornjiz August 22, 2015

Alternate Take Freak

A person who must own a copy of every alternate take, live version and demo of a song.

"Though Jimi Hendrix made 3 studio albums and 1 live album, Bob has to be a Alternate Take Freak and own every demo

by reddddddddddddddddd August 20, 2011

take cope with

A colloquial way of saying that one disagrees with a certain subject. More commonly known as taking issue with a topic of discourse.

Random dude 1: I think your are one ugly son of a gun!

Random dude 2: Hey man I take cope with that! I actually think I look quite dashing!

Skinny chick 1: Skinny Chick 2 I think you've put on a couple of pounds..

Skinny chick 2: I take cope with the fact that I can't be larger than a size 0 Skinny Chick 1.. *rolls eyes* *flicks hair*

by drizzlet January 2, 2012

Take off the white gloves

To retaliate against an oppressor with little, if any, regard for them.

In order to free ourselves, we must take off the white gloves

by Heyitsj000 November 9, 2020

take baths in the pool

you’re dirty

do you take baths in the pool?

by secretnan April 14, 2020