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a first person shooter game made by epic games.

zack: what ur playing fortnite minecraft what

john: fortnite

zack: ohh can u friend me on fortnite plz

john: sure whats ur name


by anymous67 April 14, 2020


the (game) of the century

I play Fortnite everyday

by fortnite653 May 8, 2018


Just absolutely terrible Jesus Christ never play it, it's terrible

"Man I hate fortnite"

by Bruh moment 42086969 February 24, 2020


The game that sucks the life out of your boyfriend when you wanna hang out with them. They never pay any attention to you, whatsoever.

Girl: hey wanna go out tonight
Boy: nah. I'm playing Fortnite tonight.

by vhatishappening March 4, 2018


The gayest of he gay. Supposedly if you dont have a "skin" your instantly are bad at the game. Also there is the wonders of voice chat, where 5 year olds are screaming or 20 year olds are swearing at the top of there lungs

Person 1: *joins game of fortnite to see how good it is*

Voice chat 5 year old: YOU GOD DAMN SON OF A BI-

Person one: ight ima head out

by t3hg00z34 November 14, 2019


A game you play if you enjoy the same gender as you

Aiden plays fortnite he must be gay

by Your nans wheelchair August 15, 2022


The biggest sickness you can get. Worse than cancer and ebola.

Jeff: Corl is dying...

Timmy: Yeah, he played too much Fortnite

by GoodOllDoge March 13, 2019