It’s a great game that you play with your homedogs. To play the game you have to be a guy or a girl it’s a strap. The goal is to fuck each other in the ass until some bleeds. You get 3 strokes each and you take turns until someone loses
Aye B let’s play the Bloody Anal Game
*your at a birthday party with 5 year olds* Aye Guys it’s Bloody Anal Time
On the 30th of October each year National Homie anal day consists of homies of all sexuality’s coming together to cum.
Jamie: Yo bro it’s National homie anal day
Dylan: Aight, pants down
When you deal pot, get caught by the copies, get sent to prison and get analy penetrated by a large black fellow and you end up getting the anal bursts.
Preston: I'm gunna deal some dope to make extra cash for a PS4
Me: You're gunna get those anal bursts man
A way more obnoxious way of boofing, more specifically something of importance that requires a safe, warm hiding place to remain in.
"I just watched some guy I just met anally archive his wallet and I was very impressed with his unwavering ambition."
Anal archiving isn't for the faint of heart, but for those who have completed said task have never regretted it.
An excellent excuse to try to not go to work.
Lazy fucking idiot: Sorry Boss, I can't come into work, I'm not feeling well.
Boss: What's the matter?
Lazy fucking idiot: I have Anal Glaucoma.
Boss: What the fuck is Anal Glaucoma?
Lazy fucking idiot: I just can't see my ass coming into work today.
Anal Glaucoma is when a person can not see their ass doing a certain task.
Housecat "I can't make it to work this morning, I have anal glaucoma something fierce."
Boss " Never heard of such."
Housecat "I just can't see my ass coming to work today."
Boss "I've heard em all now.!!!"
The master sergeant hoped that the Lance Corporal has a good excuse for missing formation.
Anal Glaucoma devil dog, very well marine very well, as you were.
A person who is obsesssed with anal sex