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Middle School

The literal definition of hell, nobody likes it there, you will die there.

You: I'm gonna transfer to another middle school.
Your friend Billy: Good luck dying

by ScootGames.com July 18, 2018

Middle School

An extremely fun and exciting place in which you can learn, imagine, and meet new people! Middle school is the best! Studying here is great. These are probably going to be the best years of my entire life! I feel excited to attend middle school everyday. Middle school includes many fun and exciting topics such as English, Math, History, and Science!

Student1: "Hey, you look very jolly! Where are you going?"
Studnet2: "I'm going to middle school!"
Student3: "COOL! Let's go together!"
Studnet4: "I'd better study hard in middle school so I'll be successful in the future!"

by cool_study_boy123 October 24, 2019

Middle School

High School, but worse.

No seriously Middle School fucking sucks

by WaterSun September 16, 2021

Middle School

A place where all of your friends fuck the literal shit out of each other. If only you were part of that bigass orgy pile.

Dam nigga don't you remembah middle school? That was sum messed up fucken shizzle mah man.

by edgelord666 April 6, 2017

Middle School

One of the worst times of your life simply because people get intense.
At least there's 3 years of middle school.

Thank God I never went to middle school! Apparently, the people there at middle school are dramatic.

by Twight0931 May 2, 2017

Middle school

Middle school has 2 sides. The academic side and the social side. The academic side is garbage. You learn useless information and get to much school work. The social side is great. Girls asses are big and round, tits are coming in, and for a mixed wresling fetish, it’s the best time of your life.

“ man I got so match home work! But Andrea barrera’ss Latino tits ass and body made it worth it! If only I chould wrestle and bang ! I love middle school!”

by Big muscle May 24, 2020

middle school

since i don't see any updated defs of this word bc they're all from like 2009, here is the updated def:

nothing has changed it's still literal hell. its beyond hell. its...every single pet peeve, bad thing, or just negative stuff that's happened to you.
people say high school sucks. but in high school, everyone knows what they want. middle school you're stuck between adulthood, and childhood. you're torn, and some choose the first, while others, the latter.

what's diff tho is that girls aren't throwing themselves at guys. guys typically aren't AS dirty. less drugs(most of the times). no smoking. no alcohol use(most of the times). basically, a watered down version of what kids went through in the 2000s.

middle school sucks, don't let anyone tell you different.

innocent 5th grader: i'm ready for middle school
8th grader: bitch you're not even ready for the fucked up shit that goes on in that hellhole.

by your_local_bxtch August 23, 2021