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eat my rage

an exclamation and/or demand that fully encapsulates the male experience of ejaculating out all of the built up trauma of being molested by Goofy from Mickey Mouse. often times after this ceremony, the man wails in tears while his partner comforts him. first seen on the pornographic video showing a male releasing his rage onto Goofy as posted PornHub.

Goofy - “Awhh ha, are ya having fun?”
Man - “EAT MY RAGE!!!!!”

by Benjamin Littler July 10, 2023

Eating Out

A straight version of Jeffery Dahmer acts way down along those lines

Boy 1: Yo are you eating out a girl?

Boy 2: Yeah I’ll be consuming her pussy all up

by TurkeyGobbleGobble May 30, 2023

eat up a storm or eat a storm

To eat up a storm or eat a storm -

it means to eat out of control . To eat wrong combination of food. To eat anything and everything . To lack control over eating. It could be probably as a result of large appetite, lost of blood due to excessive monthly flow in women, after intake of antibiotics or any lost of blood or due to bad eating habits that are difficult to control.

* I am an Attorney from Nigeria. From the oil rich City of Warri in Delta of Nigeria. Okra Soup and Garri is a popular local food among the Southern people of Nigeria. Okra is spelled Okro by most people in Nigeria. Garri is prepared from cassava flakes while Okro soup is prepared from the Vegetable crop Okro together with fish or meat etc.

Eat up a storm or eat a storm

Esther: I m not feeling well. My stomach is upset.

Sunshine: Sorry about that. Did you eat anything bad last night?

Esther: Just my dinner, Garri and Okra soup.
Sunshine: Okra soup can upset sometimes, depending on what you ate in the afternoon...or after dinner.

Sunshine: And you know you have been eating a storm for the past few days ...

Esther: Yes.

Esther: I ate beans, yam, watermelon in the afternoon.

Estherhome : I even ate cucumber and groundnut with biscuits after the meal because I was still hungry after dinner.

Sunshine: I said it. You have been eating up a storm lately
Sunshine: Cucumber and groundnut with biscuits after okra soup ? Jesus!!! You really do eat up a storm these days.

by ShineJowho April 29, 2021

Eating Booty

The act of denying something derogatory said behind someones back , when they confront you with it.

Here Ted is now dont be"eating booty" now tell him what you said.

by livinlegend May 18, 2020

Guinea Pig eating a banana

A small girl taking a huge dick

That girl was like a Guinea pig eating a banana when she gave me head.

by Tranykingtruck October 23, 2015

McDonald's Eating Trash Nugget


Hey you McDonald's Eating Trash Nugget. Wait I mean Sam

by Yeeoit1257 November 6, 2017

Eat it all

EAT IT ALL is an Idiom expression meaning a person who believes in everything.

Example: John is an eat it all. He agrees what everyone says. He doesn't care wether the person is a kid or old.

by Levi Buana Bacar March 26, 2021