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Chocolate finger

When you finger someone's anus and then proceed to eat the shit off your finger

Hey man do you want a chocolate finger

by shrekcccc October 24, 2017

Chocolate fingers

When your gal bout to "shit her pants" during sex your start pounding that ass with your fingers!

"Man your finger stank" well yeah they where chocolate fingers last night"

by Lol bros August 19, 2015


To pick a person’s anus directly after they have pooped.

“I totally got a chocolate surprise!”

by squidiana September 5, 2021


2. Relieve menstrual cramps ( dark chocolate )
3. If eaten to much, turns to diarrhea
4. Way better than eating straight sugar (Nerds, Suckers, etc.)
5. The best thing to give to a female

1. Wow, this chocolate is great!
2. AHHHHH! These cramps are killing me, I'll eat this delicious, cramp-relieving chocolate to feel better.
3. Man, I ate way too much chocolate last night, diarrhea filled my toliet.
4. I prefer a Hershey to nerds.
5. He made me so happy when he gave me a box of truffles.

by ARG4445 February 18, 2018


A brown poo like colour, it usually comes in blocks and different flavours

"Would you like some chocolate?"

"Yes please, I'll go to the bathroom now!"

by Takeabow April 2, 2015


A food in the form of a paste or solid block made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, typically sweetened and eaten as confectionery. Originated in Central America. Invented by Joseph Fry

Yummy!! This bar of chocolate is so delicous

by F10986 March 5, 2019


Just objectively the best thing ever

Yo I got some chocolate
My favourite flavour of ice cream is Chocolate

by The Pasta Man October 25, 2020