A brilliant thing to do when one is feeling so FRIGGIN BORED, that one tries to literally gulp up the urban dictionary, leaving maybe a single grain of sand behind, but guess what, this word is PART of that single grain of sand!
have a EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd weekend bruh.
The word EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd is awesome!
A very cool person who keeps on getting put in very awkward situations. Very fun to talk to :)
“Wow is that _r.1.n?”
“It is! They’re so cool”
this is my pookies birthday, if you dont know her get off this. Anywhoo, for my sigma, HAVE A SKIBIDI OHIO RIZZLER JUJU WALK SPIDERMAN BUZZLIGHTYEAR LIGHTINGMQUEEN BIRTHDAY SIGMA ALPHA WOLF !!!!! your birthday reminds me of the old chinese scholar, yung no moe !! iF YOUR SAD ON YOUR BIRTHDAY, SAD BACKWARDS IS DAS AND DAS NOT OKAY
2012/1/22 have a very cool birthday my, buzzlight year sigma
as far as i know it was an itteration of 2 girls 1 cup but it involves a guy taking 2 spoons and using them to pull his eye out of its socket
p1: have you seen "1 guy 2 spoons"
p2: yes i have you disgusting person
A video of a guy popping his eyes out with 2 spoons.
Henry: Hey Kai did you see the 1 Guy 2 Spoons video
Kai: Yeah it was insane, why would he even do that!?
When you pissed someone off in a conversation they don’t wanna give you a whole k so you get 1/2k
Bf where do you wanna go to eat
Gf idk
Bf What about Thai
Gf 1/2 k