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Deep facing a dead person or people for money or power

Dead-face or dead-facing could lead to legal trouble in the sense of who owns another humans image after death? Especially a celebrity.

by Gouh aziko April 20, 2022

Dead Pixels

Dead Pixels (short for Dead Pixels Ghost Club or DPGC) are a collection of pixel-perfect ghost NFTs on the Hedera network, with various fun traits making each one completely unique. These little spirits are here to create some lighthearted ruckus, send good vibes, and support the community.

I thought my Dead Pixels Ghost vanished but then I remembered I left it in another wallet.

by 01001100 01000101 01000100 August 13, 2024

dead dog store

funni store flamingo made

flamingo:welcome to dead dog store what dead dog do you want
noob: djdbs dkd sksjs sjs sjs sn
flamingo:ok your becoming a new dead dog

by memeaddictive July 16, 2022

Dead man snitch

Dead man snitch works on same principle like terrorist dead man switch. Dead man snitch is situation when you want to roast or fire someone atc. But he have some comproniting materials and if you do this he will destroy you.

Person 1: Are you already fired Garry
Person 2: No
Person 1: And why
Person 2: Because he have some dead man snitch on me

by zululman February 8, 2020

living dead dad

A dead - beat dad who decides to step in and fuck everything up so he can win a game.

Using pisses and moans about nothing, screams Parental Alienation, abuses the children (in some cases) but most of the time is just an arrogant little douchebag who's only goal is to make himself feel better by using children as his pawns.

I can't wait for my living dead dad to get shot by someone who is tired of his shit.

by Lehmms March 12, 2009

Well fuck me dead

an Australian way of expressing surprise

spy:i'm scout's dad
sniper:well fuck me dead

by raybeez February 11, 2022

I'm dead

Expression indicating that one is laughing so hard they will die; a ghetto way to say "lol". Usually said by people who are not even so much as grinning.

"Tanisha insulted Taysheaun to his face!"
"I'm dead."

by The_Truth_Tortoise October 28, 2017