Ellie Hartley is amazing she is funny and then most beautiful person I know. Her eyes are like heaven. all of your problems fade away when you are with her. She lights up the room when she walks. She is amazing!!
Ellie Hartley is a show stopper !!
Dirty Hartley; During foreplay you proceed to mount your partner like a Polaris, pushing their face into the pillows and grabbing their ears like throttles. The sound “BRRRRRAAAAPPPP” is commonly made when they reach climax.
“Don’t you ever give me a dirty Hartley!”
“I want you to show me how to do the dirty Hartley.”
Aidan Hartley is the current record holder for biggest penis in the world.
Damn that’s a big cock Billy
Oh damn yeah it is probably belongs to Aidan Hartley
A very good rugby player who plays halfback and is very small. Usually wins the U5 division in everything.
That Guy is such a Lachlan Hartley
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bit of a slut BUT she is actually like pretty swag and stuff. She will love you unconditionally.
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A particular individual whom partakes in a number of homo-sexual acts.
Hartley- Respresents the amount of affection and love he put into these acts.
Fruit- Respresents the lack of fear to use inaimate objects during these acts. (Occasionally breaks limbs of other individuals, including his own parents)
Ocasionally hartley and fruit can be seperated to have each individual meaning. If someone or an object is refered to as a hartley, they show extreme idiotic behaviour. Of which anyone who was relatively normal would find extremely annoying to the point of physical violence.
Person1: Hey? Are you a hartley fruit?
Person2: Yeah! along as you're not a complete Hartley!
Person1: Hey whats your name?
Person2: Matthew?
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