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When a creature in an mmorpg attacks you without warning when you step inside it's attack radius.

Aww crap, that 65 elite dragonkin just aggroed.

by Wolfin_ May 9, 2006

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1. To aggrivate or get attention of a monster.
2. When a newbie or someone dumb runs around and gets attention from every monster in the area.

OMG! He aggroed the all the consairs in the fort!

by Lady_dragon November 21, 2006

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to give some one aggro is to give some abuse.

'the other day some random old boy gave me bare aggro'

by big baz January 14, 2008

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parent aggro

Get a lot of bad attention/in trouble from your parents

"guys brb my i got huge parent aggro here"

by Scotty peters March 3, 2007

pulling aggro

The act of acting in a way as to make yourself seem like a bigger threat than the rest of your squad, particularly in competitive team sports or MMORPGs. As a result, all or most of the opposition will immediately target the Puller. This is a popular tactic for hired Tanks so that their clients, who are usually weaker, will not be targeted by enemies potentially stronger than they wish to challenge. The client gets experience while the Tank usually gets money, items or other favors in return, partially as compensation for any damage taken or insurance for items lost upon defeat.

Oh crap! That sniper's got a bead on my location! I'm pinned down! Hey Grenadier, start pulling aggro for me so I can move!

Hold on a second, let me start pulling aggro for you so you can get some free shots off. Give me some medkits.

by Frederic Ulysses Millstone October 15, 2008

ball of aggro

Someone who supresses their anger and finds it difficult not to vent their anger on others

Alison is such a ball of Aggro. She comes in giving it the large like she owns the fuckin' gaff. Someone should pimp slap her then see what she's got.

by Benny Eyes from the Bronx August 7, 2003

Girlfriend Aggro

When you're strolling down the land of make-believe and suddenly a ferocious beast with powers far surpassing your own attacks you out of nowhere- only this time it's in real life. When your girlfirend wants some attention, she'll get it one way or another.

Player 1: Hey, after this run, I'm gonna have to bounce.

Player 2: Why?

Player 1: I've got a little girlfriend aggro here.

by TheSpectacularOne April 13, 2009

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